Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 14 Nowemapa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
Septenber 17,1894. If we rememb3r correclly the “Charleston'' was the first of tue “White Sqoadron’ to visit Honoluln. Her arrival on her second cruise is still ii the minds of pedple who were lere on Januaiy ‘29, 1891. Whet with flag 8 a*t half-mast and \irds cock-bnilt she entered po - t with the body of King Ealakam, the kind attentions shown ly the officers to the King durng the vo}*age to the United Sates and the, alI most sacred mamer in whieh the body was gnarled while being borne to the ilands, endeared 1 the “Charleston’ to the people iof Hawaih As oueh as it was in ! the power of he people, their j appreciation ws shown to the
| officers daring their stay aml when sailed tby left graven on tablets of love and raemory, evidences of theii Aloha for Hawaa. Few, if aiy, of the officers who were her« then are on the vessel now; sone have reached the age of retir«m<nt and others have gone to o.h«r vessels but i the Charleston is still greon in the heart ie Hawaiians. Have yon ever used a Pansy Stove? We hav« lbeen selling them for fonr r five years and to-day they wer the “Yellow Coat” in the <npire of stoves. They are reconized by every oue, even dealei in other stoves, as a saperior irticle and one whieh they do »t care to ran ap against. 0f carse stoves may be bought froi people who are not dealers. iTe have people ranning here ver}' day or two ! for fire bricksnd parts belong- ; ing to stoves hey have bought \ from other p.'ties, and when | they find the; canuot get them < they discar« Jieir stoves and ] buy a “PaESy.’ You see there 1 is a disadvmta;e in buying dear 8 things at iow pnoea. Come to us and geti Pnsy at ?15 00 and you get hll alae for yoar mo- .
'ney. Yoa da’t get a $75.00 range for fi£ten dollars, mind you, bnt you get a fiftt class stove that b wcth Thirty do!lars 1 to any one
Our Ready lited Paints are suited to the wats of ueople who have a litt,e pnting they want to do thensels. The advantage in bnying prepared paint j is that you lre the benefit of the best mise: in the United States without iviug to pav for it. The paint 3 ready for nse directly yon ta the top off the ean and if you d’t find it eheap er and better an any you ean mix yourself vare miaiaken in our esperience - . California the painters are u ; g the prepared article in preBnce to bnying i lead and oils b«use they find it j to their advanta to do so. We I believe it is «y a question of I timo when the inters here*will fall inio line.
Hang-ng lan are in as great demand now ever. People seem to want sothing for lighting purpo3es t will give as good as i sun—theyfind it in tbe lampse are giving a-1 way. Our cheatand lamps are i an escellent tl? for a servants room and wilhJ a readv sale in the IslanJores. We ean su P ply any dend. for a single lamp or for a tasand. There s lots>f Hawaiians whose Knlean need fencing and we have Urire with whieh
to do it Werealso the material for bai!g a fence tbat i wiil last ontil 1< after the mil- * lenium. Inste of pajing a f higb price fgr js, oreren getting them fon catting, yonr fence will cost i less money if yon bny steel s\ &nd vashers and make a Jo Locked fence. We hare er«faicg yon want i in tbe hardwaind hoose fur- ? nishing goods>e yoa wiah. And we conrt istigation as to their quality an|rioes. » ltt toijiiririn Ci