Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 14 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HAWAII’8 “ BIUE” LAW8 CONSTITlTION aml LAWS l'miunl bv the !llissionariea m LAWS ofthe HAWAIIAN I ISLANDS. At the i>r®sent timo ch;ldr«n entiroU free a min fromQov ernraent work, alao from tbe laud Ux, and poll t\x Formerly, tho chief, coold eall tho from ouo cnd of the lslauds to the other to perform labor. At the pre«ent time this is prohibited, an<l tho poople < *n be reqnired to work only near by their honio. Formerly, if the King wiehod tho peoplo to woik for him tbey eouM aot refuso. They most work from monih to month. 80 also at thc eall of orery chiof and every Inndlord. At the present timo thero i» nothing of tho kind. lf any chief shoald attompt to paraue sacb a course. it wou!d be a orime such as woald free all his teaaats fiom laboring for him at all until the time spocitied in the law. Formerly, tbe people were reguiarly re«iaire<l to work every Taesday &nd Friday, tbat is fooi days iu a month for the King and four for the Iandlord, eight in thc whole, aud as many mcre os tbe chiefs ehoae. At tbe |present!,time the wholo namber is limite i to s\x days in a mjnth, leaving twonty laboring day» for ihe poople. Formerly, if the people did not go to the work of the King when reqnired,|the punishment waa tbit lheir honaon wero set on tire and consume<i. Now if they do nol go, lthoy must pay a rial, or at m st a qoartor of a dollar, But •till, tho people aro wailing on acconnt ot tbeir pre~ aenl burdens. Formerly, tbey were nol called burdeas. Never d:d th« people eomplaia of,burdeos till of !at«—till tbeae dreadru> weights mentioned abore were remor«d. Tbis eomplaini o: tho people howerer wouid bave a mo< h better grice, if ihoy wilh energy iroproved their time, on their own fre« day» but lol tbia, ia not the cas«. They spend many of their daya in idieness. and therefore their Unds aro grown orer «itb weeds, and thero isiittie (ood growmg. Tbe ehiel» of their own unaoiicited kindne»» remored the .<# grieroua burdens meotioned abore. Tbo peeple did not ūrst eall for a r«moral of them., Tbe obiefa romored them of tbeir own aeeonL Thereforo ihe sayia? of aome of th« people, ihai thry ire oppresaed, is not eomel They aro not oppreeaed, bnt are idle. In ri«w ol tbese eomplainU of the peopla, aad in riew o tbeir tdltneee oa their own free daya, tbe (olio«ing new lav i» enacied. 1 III farm be aeen U> be grown ovor wilh weeda and little food npon ii, and yet a good fam for cuItiration, in soch a eaae, the tenant ahail be dispoaeeeeeti. though ha ahali not be dispoaseesed without a trial) nor at thr mere taggeelk>n of hia Undlord. The criminal penoo sball be dispoeees«ed. whether it be the Undlord or the tenam.