Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 14 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Golden Rule Bazaar, * Depot tor NEWiiPAPEfiS aXD PERI0D:CAL8 by ever> incomug stoamer. RT Sabs<ription» Payable in Admace.
DOMES'HC SHnSGT MACHIXES. This Maohne 5s ihe King o! all. On it yo ean neake a Loek- | stitcb, Chain-titch, Embroider}*, Batton-holfe5,Rufll6« Tncks. Guitars, Lavn Teauis, lasebali. Croqaet. Staticmery aol Blank Books at j Casi Pbiceis. * Hand Sav.ng Maehine? from eight doUas and a half ap. [jy27 ’ WE I5\TB ALL SMOKERS To eall and inaeel onr lato importation . of the celebra*d G. B. D. pipeo, cigars and cig-irette h!d«rr. i KLLISTtK&CC. * •T. H. Davies ! & C0., T-.iao.ited-h
Fresh Feed . aie Flour From W/SHNGTON.
Lion F3ur, Oat, Barley, Wddllngs, Bran, PEK WaIMOO” Just to land.
New CyaGoods Crocery, Hamare, Qrceries, To Hand.
Baitey Holulu Made WirMoven Matrees and ooks