Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 14 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

MACFAHLAXE * CO. IkeUm i n Wines and Spiritg Kaahnma&m Stn«t, Hoooluk. H. E. McI>*TIRE A BRO., OaocEBT, Ekeo Storb A Baiebt, CorneT of King and Fort Sts., Honolulu ■ — J. PH1LL1P8, PBACTICAL PLCRBER, GAS.FITTEK COPPEEBMITH, House and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No, 71 King Street, Honolulu. Dk. MeLENNAN, Fort Street, above HoteI. Mutual Te«ephone 682, for offlce; 287 for residence. jy28 f ED. C ROWE. House Sign and Oinamental Painter. Manufacture of Liquid Siating. 620 King Street. / augl

Y. LUM SING, Dealer in Fruits and Groceries. Fresh Fruit« by Steamer, Eresh Isl:ind Butter from Hawaii. 135 1 ort Street. Cotfee Roasted. P O. Boi 169 Fresh Island Produce, Goods Delivered to Any Part of the Cit}-, jy21 “FAT BOY.” BiYHORSE£ā 8AL00N I P. McINEBNY, I’kopuikioe, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. COR>'EX Bethel asd Hotel Sts. Honoluiu Carriage Manufactory \V. W. WRI(HIT, Propki*tor, (8ucccssff to Q. West). PaRRIAGK BUILDING AMD HKPAIR1N0. All Onlers from the Other I*Und» in the Cwriatie Buildlng, Trimmin« »nd Paintim: Line wlll Mcet wlth Prompt Attontion. Bl»cksmithlnir in All Its V»rlous Br»nchcs Done. P. O. Box 321. Nos. 128 and 180 JjI9 IJ Fort 8trefct. ā S. LUCE "Wine and Sr>irit Merchant Campbell Fire-proof B!ock, merchantst.. honolulu.

71 :BOTH TELEPHONKS:71 -CX)SSOLIDATED80DA -WATKK W0RKS-:* C0. (Limittkd.) • Tol Wo Wlng Kee Co. S6 NUUANU 3TRKTi D®aler5 in La<lies A Gent? Hoots and Shoes made to ordcr. POBoz«? ***

Fred. Hanieon. CONTRACTOR MD BUILDER Tlie Leading Builder IN HONOLULU. I 'I j I bRtimates gir9n oa all kind» of Brick. Iron, S»ooe awl Wooien BuildiDg*blog of tll kinds. BaiMirg ** 510 513 Kiog 8U«I. R-i>»«”« 337. ?• **