Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 14 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

?hf iwlinmw €alm(Ur KOV. 14,1894. y Tn W Th Pr S»t r ' s * _ <>«1« , , O , So» 5 1 * PbU lloon. 9 10 13 ii iS !2 13 14 15 16 17 1« 20 21 22 23 24 29 30 Fu»t Ourtet, .. )9 Xe» Moon, •*r 26 27 » V»>->irt« 19 PORT. >*val nwiu. gp)IS I(rtrinth, M»y, E*qainunit, B C. f . l *4T- ;.qi IhigTjaT-Troa:n, C«U<ko. XrBTHA5THD. f> «. S. A’3straiiA, Hoodle«e, S F. pk A.E »rn. Bn>wn, N«vcutle, X 8 W. m, 14 Mann* Al*. Xowcaetle. tc: 'okt KlikiUt PtTown«;ml. \ T: «rh AJi«*Cook.. .Pt Towim«;nd , - f; .»*rt I>wer*. <i;*odmea, Umn 1«. . r»d«o» For»l, M< Inni-w, Sv«oile m > ktoe 2? V C»ati«, Ila!-t>»rd, 8, F. ' k A!b<-rt, <«riflith». S F. «gir N»n»!i»ti. K:ntc. K»be. tr . hr K'». K!itz*r<i. Eorek*. KiKI ll>9 TnRkU EXPE<TCD. - ,r PariUn....NewcatsUe.,,Nov 30 v r nhii 1 <«l*nivor.. Newm«tle...No» 30 0*t l k i*»nl I»enijerg. Bmnen Dec 10 »(.ip U F til*»le Ij»erpool Jan .10 |-<IHII<.> S|;KVKE. SteamBbipB will leave for and arrive j r .m San Pmneieoo and otber (oreign r. rt-, on or al>ont the foIIowinjj datee t (ill iLe eloae of 1894. Ijuvk Ho50LCLT Dcte at Hovolclc i. k Sav Fkascisoo. Fx. 8as Franctscd os Ya>cocver. ob Vascocver. Mioweea >’<iv 3 An«tralia No». 3 Au»tralia ?ior. 10China Nov 12 M»rij- Nor. 15 Alameda Nrrr. 22 Oi ame Nov 19 Mio«era Nov 24 An»« Dec. 1 Anttralia Dec. 1 An»tralia Dec. H Oeeanie I>ec 11 Monowai ....Dec. 13 Maripora...,Dec. 20 M ■»••!■*.... Dec. 31 Arawa Dec. 24 China Dec 31 Australia....Dec. 29 Tlie I’anUioon 8aloon is the dcj»ot ‘or the celebrated Enterj>ri>eD*'cr, where it ean olways he found e >ol and fresh nn taj». We do not deal in Deer” as the morning Paper—through somc mistnke has advertised. Call at the Panlheon for re-freshing drink. •IIM D01)D, Proprietor. * Talk about braying asses. The town is full of thom. McBrayer’s whiskey is only to bo fouud at Ihe Erapire SaIoon. And wheu it’s fonnd it stays. U. W. MeMiehol of the Empire S«loon has made a new deal whieh will touch tho hearts, or at least tho palates of many a thirsty wanderer. He koeps *‘half-uul-haH” onJdranght and sorvesa most doliciousand eool bevorage, far superior to “plain ’|beer. se 17 tf J. J. Williama tbe well-known Artistic Pbotographer is making a specialty of portraits on Watch Dials and 8ilk Handkerchiofs. Complete sets of Lantorn slides lectures eau bo bad at the galler}\ For tbey are sold at a reasonable figure by the dozen or by the hnndrod. * Ilamwai BatiiHnusE The uudorsig»iod having Leased be well knewn IlaNiwaI Bath lorsE at M’aikiki, begs to inform vu, that it will be run as a Strictly First-Class BATHING RES0RT. ttT S|>eciat aocomniLxlations for L\dios and Children. W. S. BAHTLETT, Proprietor. f.s. Tnim-cars pass the plaoe ocS POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. U hw»bv (f$v« to «II pcrM>n» th*t U*re ir th* dt>venimcDl Found «t Muklkl o« Oc4- », DW 1 mene. !<r»oded. X »0 Ike Hjkt Iw« t*«. S whii* leg «ad whlw »pot on lbe " v *« 1«:, •OI«tt*S(l. * koiM btttuW N o» KIb«I l««, »att» ,pot on the fort*<wd. wt(U *|>»t on tl»e brand AlLoa tbe*nme !«C I black m«rr oo br*ud. Anr [wnee or penon» o»«tarlkm *«!»• »>» *it rwjue»t«l io eme u4 t*JLr lfco MM r»u or befocr U o’eloek noou. Nov, 4«th U4». W KAAPA. Fonnd M«*lw y T ei $ tl U ti t< d Employment EuPeau. w ti b tl it g' ei B t< A ii A a e t< t< A C AS INFOUMATION ANT> KMPL0Y m«-ut Bup.au Km hw opeaeA »41» ' **. AaU. on Kjlbe Su>*4, Mrt to tl>* Ck P*rtt«* dwh4ag tlw«wH» of <BipMnter«. eneka, pUat*t»oa Uho«n moeihmae* and lomeWie *erv*»te eao b kunilmd witfagood auul roiiab4e aaople b *t vU Burw»u. Md««a1 leL^oa *H. 190» 5