Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 13 Nowemapa 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


M«jor Sew»r J did nol retarn tod«y. Arragemect8 for the bicTcl« ■ ī iueet are ne*rlr eoupleleil. The Kinau arriTed lbis morn- !"»*?■ J w »f?es of Sin tonight at the ' Opera Houae. — Mr. R jdolph >precke’.«j ]eares ! f r Maui this afternoon. ' The W. G. Hall left this morning on her usual route. ! Col. iaukea and wife returned from Hawaii this morning. — A great numberof tickets have been taken for Dailey’s benefit tomorrow night. Mrs. Thirds left for Hawaii tbis morning. The Theosophists will take a rest. W alter E. Wall has taken the plaee of Henry W T aterhouse in the sbarpshooting company. Superintendent Campbell took a trip to Hawaii this morning in the Hail. The will of the late S. N. Castle was admitted to probate yesterday. The widow is tbe executrix. ■-■ - ■ Dailey's farewell benofit mw pr mises io he a great sixcess. f Mrs. A. R eh. a daughter of. Mr H. W. Hyman died in Sau Fvancisco on October the 3lst. e f : —“ i , The American League c«jtebration will will take plaee at Independence Hall next Monday. J. P. Sylva. formerly taxassessor and collector at Hana, Maui pl«ad guilty yesterday to a charge of embezzlement. The present mombers of the tnounted poliee will be allowed to remain iu office until the cnd of the mouth: G. W T . Macfarlane and Genoral Hartwell and family were the most coBspicuous passengers en the China. - The government orcanscontiDue io “kiek’’ ei-capfftin Klemme although be is “down. That is the ueual tactics of tbe mieeionaries.

The presi«fent of the Hawaiian Repnblic rēturnod this morning in tbe Kiniii. He was received by the uaual number of polieemen. The benefit to Miss Nannary yesterday w;is well attended aud tbo young actress was enthusiasli* 1 cally apnlauded and received t many flor.il deccrations. • Tho wreoking associstioa 5s doing well. The Waimanalo 1 brought into port yesterday a lot of freight. Divere are now at work.

— A namb€r of J*panese passen* gers (rom tha China were around town this morning, and seemed inclined to jeer at onr Chinese citizen$. The Utter fortanutely took no notice o( theboyish tction. The many (riands o( Mr. C. O. Berger will pleas<Hi to learn that be i. on the high road to reoovery and will if poss»bl* r«tarn to Henelulu inthe next Au«tralia. Mra. Berger remaina with ber |busband.

U»t nigbt‘s drill *he poorest vet witoes»ed in Honwlulo. I The men enn neitber mnrob or go I through the rndim<mU of m*nunln Tho AdwtiMr ponmhe* ' the ,, eo»mn»de» hy printiop ieome frightfu! cnrricntur«s of them io this morning s is*ne.

Th«r» two * cction „1« thU monung Ob. wm U.. ,i H kin o l th« 0«. S. « J»i ; ZL. J. u«, ..a u.. : otb«r i- tb. i H, W. SobmiUt. lUn, A‘™‘t-j t«icg* lb« bw»“ ,b ‘ 1 *- 1