Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 13 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
JUST ARRIVED, " " BABY • CARRIAGES OF ALL STTLES, i 5 w IN THE LATEST PATTEBXS “,H O U S E H 0 L D SEWING MACHINES Han*d Sewiag MaCH1X2S, pr\ll Wuh the La:««t lmptort>in«ntii^£] PAKLOK Organs, GKiitare And Other Mnsical Iastmmcn . Wines, Liquois, Becr ALWAYS ON HAXD, AXD FOR SALE E\ ED. HOFFSCHLiEGER l C0. Kinu St.. oppo. Castle i Cooke‘* Orlterion. Saloon ! NOTICE is hereby given, that all claims against tho Ciriterlaii SaIoon, will be settled by Jas. F. Morg.-m. and a 11 outstan(ling accounts Jue tbe Critebiox Saloon and the jobbiug hou.se of L. H. I)ke up to the above date, are pavab!o to Mr. L. II. Dee. All bills against L. H. Df.e, please presont immedutelv for payment. L. H. DEE. Honolulu, Oct. 3, 1834. oolO 3m KahuluiTloteI j\AHULUl. /AaUI. Si|iq. PR0PRIETOK. HepO-tf (liPeail: Coarfc Fif$fe Circuit of the [lawaiiai] Iglandg IN PROBATE. Iu the matter of the E«ute ,)f Henki G, Mc<;hew latf of (lunolaln, Oahu deoea , inteetate. Oh Keauix<> »m} Filinj{ the Peti; Alpikomne McGhbw «>f San Franr,- .<, Cii alleipni; tb»t Henhi G. McGkew of 11<>uu!i. - dlcd inte«t»tc »t Monolulu, on the 22 day : October. A. D. ls;n, aiH)pravimr that !-• 't • of AdmiuUtration is«ue to Jo3eru O. Cahtih. 3b. It i» oRDEEr.r> tb»t Frid«v the i! >v ■( Novemher, A. D. lv>4. »t lOo’eloek » n. »nd bereby U appointed (or heaiim; 1 Pelilion, in the Court Koom of ihe C«urt r Honolnln, »t whieh tlme »n<l pl»«<; »U ;>»•• $on« concemed ia»y aj>j«-ar aiu! <!iow au-». if any they hato, whv aaid PeUion »boa!d t ' be icranted. D»te Houolulu. H. I. <K*t. 24, A. D. 1?.d Bv the Court, Geok<.l Lcca>. Clrrk. oct23-lf !STOTICE. I hereby declare my inte; ti< :i to conteet and aak to have ileelan'i VOID the ELECTION. beld on the 29th day of October, 1894. HENRY KLEMME. nov 7 2w R|inepal Waliei 1 . _An inroice of the Celcbr«tcd 8H A >T A W ATE K jost reeeired dlp ct fn>m 'he 8prinic» in āhaaU, CaUi<>mU. “8HA3TA” m the toest MIn< ral Water U the world. lt 1» used in ererv lemlim: hotei »nd on »U the r»Qwiy -■•*> ia ’ Unitcd SUtea. ‘•8HA3TA Uthe(4uienofaIl Uhle wat<;:v blenda perfecUy wiih U«|aor of »11 kln«D, » ;,t! is e natanJ retUi for eU dison!/rs ui tb. •toaacfa. kidneyv »nd Irrer Por «le, br a» DKUCGISTa »nd th« TRADE gener.vllt Macfariane & Co. Ltd., 8ote AgenU for the H»wai:*n ’ MA0H2NE MADE POI! FACTORY, : : KALlHI. 'faro Plants, Fresh Top« and Taro at ail times. Ring Up Mutual TeIephon» 577Bell 345. W. L. WILCOX, jy25