Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 13 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

MORGAG EE£ N0TICE0FINTENT10S T0 FORBCL06E ASP 0F SALE. Koti» ts b¥itbr grr«n tiuU parsu*nt to % | poiw *f nl( oantame<l īn * <ert*ia mort«»ge datcd Septomher A. I>- *•“ i • br GEOBOEVĀKUr A »ad MAK\£A | GEOKGE ius vtfo. of Honolala. «i ; Oiha.lo M«K» Kahai. lste of niī Hoaolahi dece»Mcd. xvcorded īn the ofBce <rf the Beg ,s " j tt»r of Co&TemiKW, in L3w 1®, lolx»21i 2-A J. A. Cammins. Administint!>r with | Wul ianaed o! the WiU of the s*id M*ue l Kahū, dec«-3sed, mtend» to foreciooe said mortg>ge for » hieweh o£ tbe »ndiaons in $aid tn rtgace conl*in*dJto wit: the nonp*jment of Wlh lbe pniiipnl *nd interwt wben dne. I Koōee is »lso hereby »lTen thit »11 »nd āngni»r *b» l««k tenernents »nd beiedit»aaents in said mortg»ge cont»ined »nd described. wiū he s<3d »t PnWk Aaelion, *t , tbe Anctk>n room of Lewis J. LeTey, on Queen Street. in smd Honolnla jon ‘WKONESDAT, tbc 14 DAT of XOVEMBBR f A. D. 1SW. at 12 o’eloeh noon of s»id d»T. The property in sasd nortgige is tbas ■ desoribed, rij!; That cert»m pieee of sito»te in P*n- ■! oa, Honolnln, iforessīd. <jbd iho th*t certain pieee of l»nd ātuatc.At Anwaiolima, Honolala aforesaid, descRbed in Roy»l F»tent 1759, Land Commission Aw»rd S154 to Makaioala, oonTeyed lo Umanm» opio by ; Umanma his father, by deed recorued in i • Liber 30 *p. 296-7. and by sai(rl?m»ara» opk) to < »eorge Xakiana bv dēed recorded in Liber > 13L p. 307-8. Tenn eaah in U. S. GoldCoia. Deods ai expense of parchaser. ; For further particalars. apply to Jas. K. Kanlia and Enoeh Johnson. Attornevs ’ for the A<inūnistmtor with the WiU annexed l of the Will of Malie Kahai, deceased, Mort- > ' J. A. GUMMtKS. Administrator with ihe Will annexed of the Will of Malie Kahai, deceased, Mortg»gee. > Dedat_Honolnln, Oet -24. 1894. 3wks-dly. ; BEACH GR0VE. < New Sea Side, Pienie and Bathing Resort. 1 1 , j IIAS BEEN 0PEXED UP, AND IS NOW ’ II ready to receive visitors. The new k resort is under the management of Charles F. \Varren. The plaee is within a conven1 ient distance fxom town, and two minntes walk, from the Tram Cars (Bishop’sswitch) The preiuises whieh will be at the disposal 7 of patrons comprises between fonr and five r acres of beantiful grassy grounds, over- ! shadowed bj' tropical trees. Also a eoml plete ontfit of bath rooms and bathing snits. There is a great deal of romance connected with these gronnds. It is said to be the exact spot on tho Beach where Kamehameha the conqneror landed with his thonsands of warriors bent upon tbe conqnest of Oahu. Tbere is a sacred pond npon the land supplied from a legendary spring. For hund1 red of years the natives have used this , water for medicinal purposes niore especiaily as they elaim as an effeotive remedy tor ’ rbeumatism and paralysis. Beacb Grove , or Kawehewehe was a portion of the sea ' side residenoe of that great chief and war- > rior, Kamehameha I. These new bathing and recreation groundB will be exclusively ’ for the use o£ families. Ladies and children . wil! enjoy a days onting at Beach Grove. The water is jnst deep ēnongh |to be eomt fortable with a niee sandy beach. This new t resort snpplies a long felt want and is snre of I natxonn<»> ™;>i «zi iremely moderate so as to eomo withh. [ *-H. AU throngh the gronnd» tbere are arbors and shaded bowers fumiahed i with tables and seats for the accommoda- , tion o£ those who bring along their own eatables. i Sandwiches, cakcs, soda water and lemonade on iee may be had at the premises. 1 Honolulu, Nov. 5, 1894. 2wks-dly. ij p. EgTATE l . House REHtiiiji aud CoUection Agency loans negotiated on Estate and Personal Property. ' i Now U Uie iime to list yoar property, a- * tbe demand for home* is increasing evervday. , 8tr»ngers are coming to “The Paradl*ē” In ; great numbers. • : We have some most dcsirable properly for I sale. 1 j If yon own a lot. and doslre to bmild a home, we wlll lumn-h the money on favor»ble 1 terms. The HawaHan InvH5tmEnt Co,, Gcnerml Real Estate Agcnta, 13 and 15 Kaahnmaua ?treet. C. A. LONG, Not*ry Puhlie Te!ephone 639 nov3 THIS SPACE i Real .1 .iReserved for ITOHAN. FOK §.4LE 8,U>i 8I8AL PLANTS from the Hahamaa I»lands have becn lmported and eaa be had m qnantities to »uit by applying at the BrLOuva Omcx Tbose interested in nev indostriee «hoala »ot Iom thi* opportanity o« 13 t/. IOTlCE. During my aheenee from ihe Ial»cd«, Mk. Hoe-k i 6. Ckabbe is duly inUwriud to noein and reoeipt for all moniea due and owing to me J. W. LUNINO, at my o£Boe unnl Noremb«r 23rd, 1894, at whieh date will peraoo»lly »ttend. i. W. LUNINO. oet 17th Im ViNQ-s-F/T-i-CH/N —: FURNHURE DEALēRS. eg to inform the pahlie th»t*lhey h»re &ioch Store «t Na 322, Nas«aa St* Wk*« Uey carry • «oapMe iiae of 8EDROOV 8ET8, OUIKā. TABLES, WAKOROBE8, t 8TAND8, ttc., Bte n Etc, Parnttar« mm* Omnl VING FAT eiIAN,