Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 13 November 1894 — WRONGLY ACCUSED. [ARTICLE]

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Whenerer au auouymous corr«8pondenoe appears in a newspapcr, couUining sometbing of ordiuary mterest, tbe community make themseltes miserable in goessing wbo vrote it or did noi. lt i» tbe pritilege of any aewspaper to puhliah &ny article that tbe responsible editor sees fit to do. He is amenahle to the pnblio censure and iibel iav ahieh huriahis paper. Any article sent to a paperover a fictitioos name, but witb the authorship of tho writerdisc!oeed to ihe editor aill as a ruie receite tbo attention of tbe oditor and if not coutaining any lihel-

r i lou» or. to tbe puhlie, offensivo j i mvtter. be publ»shed. The “guesaing” puhlie haa for j some reas >n or other seen fit to j 17 saddie two young gentlemen of j j thia town with *n artic!e headed 1 - ; “barustormer?” whieh appeared a few days ago and in whieh the i 1 Daily Co. was tomewbat severely 1 criticired Tbe gent!em«n accose<l of writing tbe aiiiele in qoestiou, ' we are informed, bave somewbat snnoyed by ihe per?istence of tbe | “goessing” pnblic in *‘guessing” tbem to be the »uthors. We desire to atate. tbat the '• two geotlemen who have been ** specially meniioneal in onr streets a« tbe writers of the ‘‘barns j storming” are perfectlr and absoIutely iunocent of tbe charge 1 * i directly and indirectly. Auy i miHonderstanding to tbe contraiy is to be regretteil. The writer is perfectly »ble to hold his positi ion and snswer for himaelL a