Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 13 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BRUCE CARTWRICHT oi ■ IU«CŪT7 •• r. M 1 of £<UMv ■i. giren to Um Tr6jte. t*c-, «tc. <*,*f vrrigki Building, Stra»t. Haeelala H. MAY & Co., ’ ' ' 4 ‘; * j Tea Dealers, poffee Roasters AXD Provision Is1 I | f J V|. f «I |< I Mercbants Sireet, - Honolaln Familios, Plantations and Ships snpplied with choicest ; Ev,nypean &American Grocerie9 California Prodnce by Every Steamer. M!ercliant Exchange Corner King aua Nuuanu Strret>. S. I. SHAW....Proprietor. The P'ine«t selection of LIQUOBS and BLKR, sold anywhere in the town. Fint-cla.sis attendanoe. C«U and judge for yanrself. no 113—tf]lationaI lron Wo^ QD£KN Stbeet, B«tween Alakea & Richard Sts. - -
THE ŪXDERSIGVED ar« pwp*red to make «11 kineU of Iron Bras8, Bronze, Zmc, Tin and Le«d Castmg», Alao Gener«l Bep«ir Shop for Steaiu Engines, Rioe Milli», Corn Milk, Water Wbeels, Wind Milla, «tc. Machin*s for ttye Cle«ninp qf OoOee, Gastor Oils, Beens Kamie, Sisal, Pineapple Lenres i other Fibrons Plants, And P«per Stock Also Maehiuea for Extracting Starch from the Manioe, Anow Root, etc. jy All Orders promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN <fl CO.
Per S.S. AUSTKALIA frora the Coast CAMARINOS Refrigerator Contaiu a Full Suppiy of Ice House, such as Froren Oysters, Crabs, Fresh Salraon, <pauHflower •* • • Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peacbes, Aprioots M©ctarines, . Japauese Plums
Tokay Grapes, Geruiau Pmnea Cr*wford Peaches. Silvcr PnuK*s Kose Peru Ofa Bartieit Pears, Siklo Pears, Etc. Califomia Fruit Marbet. I |» * ? 1 T • i i Afutuai Tel. 378 H
CAUFORNIA Wine Company, 407 FORT STREET, h Mclnsrny B!ock. JOBBEBS OF WINE8, and 1 8PIRITS