Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 13 November 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MACr AHLA.NE A CO. Dealers in Wi%et and Spiritg K*»n«a*iio Sirwt, HoeoWa. H. E. McINTYRE * BRO., GnoqpBT, Feed Stoee k Baexbt, Corner of King «nd Fort St*., Honolnln J. PHIUj1PS, PEACT1CAL PLŪHliEĒ. GAS.FTTTKB COPPEB-SMITH, C3T Honae and Ship Job Work Promptly Execnted. No. 71 King Street. Honoluln. Dr. MeLENNAN, Fort Street, above Hotel. Mulual Telephone 682, for offlce; 287 for reaidence, jy28 ED. C. ROWE. House Sign and Oina Painter. Manufacture of Liqnid 620 King Streel. Y. LUM SLNG, Dealer in Fruits and Fresh Fruits b}’ Even' Steamer, £resb Isla from Hawaii. 135 F Cotfee Eoasted. P ® Kresb Island Prodnce, Delivered to City, ting augl >nes. falifornia Butter Street. Box 169 Goods Any Part of the j>-21 “FAT BOY." BAYHORSEM 8AL00N I r. UelKEEHI, Pkopkikīoe, Flne Liquors. Wines and Beer. CoR5KE BXTHEL AXD HoT1lL 8ts.
Honoluiu Carriage Manufactory w. W. W1UGIIX Phophikīok, (SncctJ#sor To G. We»t). PaRRIAGE BL ! ILDING a>d UEPAIKIML AIl Onlen from the Olher l#Und» in the C»rri»K<‘ BnKditii(. InmmUK »nd PainllnK Llne »111 M<’Ct »ith Prompt Attentlon. HUck#mitb'iur in AIl It« V*rions Branches Donc. P. 'i Box an. No*. 131» »nd IS0 Fort 8lreet. # jyl» Iy . S. LUCE
Wine and Snirit Merchant CanbMI Fire-proof Block , MERC-IANT 8T. HONOLULU. 71 : BOTH TEySPHONESs 71 —OOJJSOLIDATED—SODA •WATER *:• WORKS-:-CO. (LlMnTKD.) * Toi Wo Wing Kee Co. St NUUANU STREKT 1 Uealen io L«Jies’ & Gents Boois and Shoes made to order. po Boj«7 Sy9
Frei Haniso *“ * CONTRICTOR AN BUILDER THe Leading Pnilll
llliHi [ 0 f Br:ck, Irv>c, iiiooe »nd Wooaeo Buildioge. JobbicgofaK kindft. 510 and 51« »og 8 twit ' Ke * 5den0<S TefcRh*w fc Bcil 317. • ■ ' »j P. C. Box n oc--tf i|