Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 13 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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B£DS of WOVEN WIRE! The Luxury OF THE I9th Century A IM[3rsterloRs T»le. Diil »nTbody ev<r he»r how th« hanana tir*t wme gro'wn. How the milk j:ot In the coco*aat; when mani{0 serd wa» sown; From whenee U»« natlve« eame to people thi» fair Und, And when they died, whcrc thcy »11 wenf, th» b»ppy dnsky hami? These C»ct* »re »!l my»teriott», »nd no #olntlon ftet, And tht re‘» othcr ray»terles qnlte »»Jdeep whieh are no« r»th"omed yet Who wi> lt ran thc opinm ring, p>t In the liquor fr«c, How w»5 it Cn»toms men were bllnd, detecUres coa!d'nt see* Whose to be the Tammsny Kln§ of thU moss'pions town, Who'U *tart the Show. to whom sh*U we »11 pl»nk tbe “needfni'' down; Who wlll be Bom. »nd rnn the flrm, who will the Backlev he, To doit on Ihe FrUco pUn of tbe Great Kepnhlie frcc’ One thine we know tbat BAĪLKT’S BEDS are mide of W(>VES WIKE, Thev zive n* comfort, peaoe and rest, and arc ’ali lhat we de#ire. He Uke* no part in poliUe», bnt doe* thr be*t he ean, To plrasr hi» friends. »nd show that be » Ihe WOVEN W1RE MAS | W0VEN WIRE BAILEY. Manufacturer 0f WOVEH WIRE Beds, Hōlel Street, Hoooluln, (next duor to Horn’/Ste*m Bakery,) Sald by AU Respectable Dealers. »ug 14-103!


FIN*E SU1TINGS, ELEGANT PATTERNS, and:latest STVLES. Tbeae pwds wil! be ao*.Quabt y froca • 100{Yjluw Dow>' to Exocoh TO HoE A SOfGLX Scrr ! —XSD VT—UU THESPUI!E8! L. B. kEU* - • UPOrrr«; QaM« 8owi. S*pt«»