Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 13 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
jhr IWwn» <5alrndar. SOV- 13,1894. .,«ī* WTb Fr S*t I L**t Qv<«rter Sot« Fnl! Mooe, ■ 13 Fmrt Qnirt«r. .. t.« «« ’ 6 ' 7 J NewM^ 9 >0 K S 2« Ti | Q Qf\ 29 » 7& *• is pohi > A VAL F V s I(rarsntb. M*r. E«qaiBunIt, B C. j ■ p miUp Dugc*3P-Troain, CalUo. V OirHAVTMDI. 6 k Ai«tr*H*. Hondlette, 8 F. A r _*nt, Birrtra. N<rc»«d(, S8 W. p , V* Miam .Un..Se»«»iV. ** *• Kllkiu» ...PtT<rtrtn«end. * „ Al;reCoolt...Pt T<nrn*end v 9oodBa, Ltynn I». \ Forr*U M< lnD«». Newcl>tle. i f }. V Cwtlt Bohbird, 8. T. ** . a C,rifitb*. 8, F. \ir- Li' Kinir. Kobe. ‘ a - f.v*l, Kiitcnrd, Kun-k*. pO»n«N VOBICLt EXPErTED. „ hr Poritan....Neirc*»tle.. Nor 30 v ,<lUnivor. Nf«ra«tle...Not 30 Ō*. i \ p»ul Ls«ibeTj;- Bretnen Dec 10 H F<»!»«* LiTerpool....Jan 30 K«KM(>N ti*il nf.rvice. Ste*r.iehip« will le»ve for »nd »rrive ‘,n >an Kmneieeo nnd other foreign ,.-i on or »hout ti»o folIowing <l»teg, Ull the eloee of 1894. ll*re HosoLTU3iDc» AT Ho<rOLCi.C ruR Sa« FrascisOo. Fk. San Pra.vcisoo or Va>< ocve». o» Va>cocve». u ,,.01 Nov 3 Anntr»li» Not. 3 Au«tr»lia ...Not. 10*€hin* Nov 12 >Ia.'T! v .Not. 15 Al»med».... Not. 22 0,-, *uir Nov 19 Miowem Nov 24 Amwa Dac. l ; An»trali» Doc. 1 A u-tralia.... . Dec. 8 f X*eanic Dec 11 H 0C wai ....Dec. 13 Mariposa Dec. 20 M w«-m....Dec. 31 Amwa Dec. 24 C( l!na Dec 31 Aastrali»....Dec. 29 Tlie Panlheon Saloon the Jej(»t lor the celebroted Enteri ri>< B> er, where it ean nlways be fo-.iud c >ol and fr<sh on tap. We da not (leal in ‘ Fn.derick9burg B«er” as the raorning Paper—thr ntgh sorae mist;iko has advcr—tisod. Cull at the Pantheon for ro-freshing <lrink. ,11M D()DD. Propri6tor. * Tulk about braying asses. Tbe towu is full of thom. McBrayer’s »hiskoy is only to be found at tbo Empire Saloon. And when it’s found it slays. tn. Beqnu of theEmpire Saloon made a uew deal whieh will loaeh the hearts, or at least the pilates of many a thirsty wanderer. Ho keepa •‘balf-and-half’ on draught and serves a raost delicious and eool beverage, far superior to “plain beer. se 17 tf .1. ,1. Williama the well-known Artistic Photograpber is making u spocialty of portraits on TV atch l)ials amī 8ilk Handkerchiefs. Coraplete sels of Lantern slides lectures eau be bad at tbe gallery. 1 > r thev are sold at a reasonable tlguro bv the dozeu or by the buudrod. Ilaniwai Halli Hduse The undersign6d h«ving I.EAsEn ihe well knewn IlaNiwaI 1>ath Hovsk at Waikiki, begs to irform von, that it will be run as a Strictfy First-Class
BATHING RESORT. $i>ecui accomraod»Uon? for Ldic> »nd Children. W. S. BARTLETT. Proprietor. r,?. Tram-cars pas» the plaee ocS
POUND MASTER’S NOTlCE. NoUe« U hwM «i»«» tht rr »re »l tke c««n»«l Pv’»o« •» ■“* ki oa Oct, 23. v „ l bro<n wrf. br»ndod tL 5 .Ut. l«C •«»* • b,u •P° t ““ Lr»odw>Non *t «e ,pot on lb« ionhm* wk, i* *£ l t»ek brw4 AIU» ii****' ** 1 M*rk um »c b»B«. .w-*. An\ »r iienon» •>« rwiu«t«i to mpm «■J!P.!5 v.m »6 or Mon 12 u’OoeM «ooa. Pottad Mo*wr Employment Bureau. 1S 1XF0KMAT10N AND " u»ai Uaww» h*n b«« V>rw. AaU, o* Kutg 8UMt. ■«* *® *'•* IWi». *-<“ “* «»» b® ei eau^* uup>, uooka, $>!•» »14. B0T i