Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 13 Nowemapa 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
Gocdt b:r.f» i»«ed aot hi*K | -Driredi. thepe »r« c«Uin pncr* i thougfa, below whieh Dogw«i. hoo-i nt arttcle ean be «W—liw are ■ our prio» —wh»t we c*ll Quiet S*I« *nd Sm*U Ptont pt:c«». IL you p»y le*? yoo <*n rwt aaear«d , yoo get 1««. Thee« *r« honest >Utements th*t eeonomie»! boyer» know—*re yoaoneofth«m' Ifnot, why nOt! C»I1 *nd eee thoee m«gnificeQl Cotton Crepe9 *° Evening Sh*des. l Ntobing h*ndsomer or better w*s everoffcred in tbis msrket »t oor prices, ‘*Aod there youare.‘ Go f through the Colored and Figured • I Cotton Ducks. the Oinpham», Ox- ! fords. Caiicos, Colorvd Frecch OTT*ndies, BI*ck Frei.ch L\wrw, Linen Lawn?, piek up whatever you will and but a moment'? inspection will coovince you that if you pay lc?s vou wiil get Ie?s. If you want togo to the Vo!cano f —the one hoIJing the largest ■ number of onr eheoka will the ’ round trip f< r nothing. Kemem- . bers this pleaae. We are s!ashirg the ( rces this weekon WOOLEN BLANKETS *nd WOOLEN SHAWLS, making i room for our immense stock of CH1USTMAS GOODS. tWT* We waut vour tr.xde and I • will have it if gvxnh* ar.J prices are au object to you. I B. F. EHLERS & C0,