Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 13 November 1894 — NEWS BREVETIES. [ARTICLE]
Ed«aivi G. W»ite. Secretery of Sute, di«0 >t hU bom« in A1*sb«da »t 2 o eloek tb» nsorniag Sydn«j, NjS.W.. Not. 1. The < Unioa Line ste«n»er ( boood fr m tbi» |»rt for Aoek- ( l*ifd. Xew Ze*l»oi wrecked Sur.d»v eT»D>og oa Gre»t B&rner I»ltnd,.off the northe»st co»si of ; X«w Ze»Ltnd. Tte «te»mer h»d i * I*rge number of pa*3engers »nd ] 111 cf •.hem were drowned. together with tbirv-two of ihe cr%w. Tfce nuciVer of people 6*red is noi pu«itnelT known. ( Tidicgs of the noissicg »hip ] Iv*nboo were recerred m thiscitv to day from Portl»»d. The mess*ge sent oTer the wires read: “The schocner ?anny Dut*ri h*s arrived at Port BI»kely, brin- < ging news th»t tle lost vessel i lvanhoe snnk with ali on board < September 28 th.” ] •President Cleve.and and his :amily have mov«d fr'»m tbe ' WhiU House to tleir suburban ' plaee at Woodley, «n the heights l overlooking Washiigton city and about three miles »way. It ba< beeu annotuced at Now York by people cloteIy connected : with the NicaraguaCanaI that the Xicar.igu* Canal Construction Company has socured enongh money to go on with the work of building the eanal from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oeean tbrough Nicarugu* and Costa Rica. The Pope give an . audience to M. Zola. Mexico proposes to couoedo | nothmg to Guatem da. Couut vou Caprivi is at Montreux. ou the Lake of Genev», Switzerlund. Puris, No. 3. Tbe French Govermnent has received a Jispitoh from M Lemiere de Villers, spec- j ial envoy seut toMadagascar wiih the uitimatum of France to tbe Hova Goverument, anuouncing that he left Antanarivo October 20th, vrithout receiving the reply i of the Hova Government to Ihe i French demands. Immediately *fter the French Government received a direct dispatch from M. Vemiore de Lillers, giving the final result of his mission. If necessary the proposals will be submitted to the Chambers. Lit- , tle doubt eiists now that the Hovas intend to resiet the de- 1 mands of Prince Hohenlohe Schillingsfnrst’B appoinment as Chancellor of Germany does not meet with | the favor of the Vatican Mexico City, Xov. 3. Two i violent earthquake sbocks occurred at 4.19 last evening with four minutes intermission During the vibrations the earth seemed rock- ] ing like a ship at sea and the natives wero on their knces in tbe : * streets prayingjfrantical!3'. London : Nov. 5. A squad of detectives from Scotland Y”ard is investigating an exp!osion whieh occurred shortly after 11 o’eloek Iast night at the residence of Hoo. Beginald Brett on Tilney street, two doors from the residence cf Sir Henry Hawkina, one of the Justices of the Queen’s Bencb j Division of the High Court of Justice. for whom the bomb is I supposed to bave keen intended. | Oolonel £dward Pradford, Cbief I Commissioner of the Poliee, is personally directing the matter.