Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 Nowemapa 1894 — A Correction. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Correction.

IS 0 In onr editorial m last Saturn day’s issue the Comparative table contained several errors. We e reprint it* to-day in corrected form. >f froia pu bli«h from th«- «p- ® ed »t«tem«ni t ropriat:on of Apeil bili ol *ē#e to - ' | s - — Civil Liet | 62,999 § 62,999 'S Pennanenl e Settlementr... 5.400 5,400 I>Hgisiatnre an<l it Pnvy Oonneil. .15.450 35,450 Dc-pt. 17s.625 51 179,425 21 N Dept of Foreign v Ada-n 168.32194 173.62191 \ FinanceDept... 547,840 81 577,840 81 J Postal Bnrean.. 158.200 69 169,654 - Bnrt-an of Cus- , toms 101,188 67 95,798 67 AttornevGenl’s _ Dept.. ’. 452,472 40 400/260 26 . Bnrean of Pub- ‘ lie Instmction. 224.033 225,533 0 Interior Dept.. 39,734 39,731 Bureau of a Survey 38,501 4t 38,501 47 Bureau of ,Conveyances—.. 16,494 16,494 1 Bnreau of linigration • H,<00 11,700 r Burean of "ater Works 44,904 98 41,954 98 Bureau of Pub1 lie Works 150.964 44 157,864 44 a Boanl of 1 leahh 337.300 7 , 336.800 77 j Miscellaneous.. 246,,22 .10 2;17,397 63 $2,821,353 68 $2.8/1,430 20 SECTIOX II. 3 fnteri. r Dej>t.. 268.611 70 563,261 70 Misct'llaneons .. 251,216 50 403,886 50 1 $3,341,18188|3,778,558 40 ; . SPECTAL ACT8. „ P. G. , ; I Hosp:tal Tax 1 Fund 7,241 77 7,241 77 » . Roads and Bridges //onolulu. 35,000 35,000 ( 1 Eipenses Lejris- , lature, 1892... 7.000 7,000 1 Exjjenses plae- i i ingloan Jan. 11, 1893 35,000 35.000 1 Genl Exj)eases ] P. G 250,000 250.000 l $3,675,423 65*4.112,800 17 , 1 " - f