Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Golden Hule Bazaar,' Depot for NEWSPAPE11S asd PERIODICALS by erer>* iacoming steamer. Sabscriptions Payable in t Adrance. ' ,
DOMESTIC 8EWIN0 MACHINE& This Maehioe is the King of all. On it yon ean make a Loekstitch, Chain-stitch. Embroidery, Button-holes, R'iffles, Tncks. Guitars, Lawn Tennis, Baseball. Croquet.
Sti»tionery and Blank Books at Cash Pbiceb. Hand Sewing Machiues from eight dollars aiul a haJf np. [jy27 WE INVITE ALL SMOKERS To eall and insj>ect oar lr.te importation of the celebrated G. B. X>. pipes, cigara and ci<rarett“ ho!di“. Hcūisn:Rtrc. T. H. Davies & Co., il33Q.lted« Fresh Feed and Flour From WASHINGTOIM. Lion Rour, Oats, Bariey, Middlings, Bran, PER “ WAKIMOO’’ J ust to Hand. Wew OryaGoods Crockery, Hardware, i Groceries, To IIand. roa Baiiey Honolulu Made Wlre Woven Matresses and Hammocks '