Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HOLO^U)\, TS PCBLISHED Kvery AJ’ternoon EICEPT 8USDAT DI THS Holomua Publishiag Co. \t King St (Tbomas block), Honolala, H. 1. iU3SCSI?7I0N, per Kon*. 50 Ct&. Tbe !«per i* deliTered by C*rriew in the t.,vn aua nnbnrb«. ,Single Copiea for S«l« et tw New« De«len enū et tne Offioe o( pnl hc«tion. EuHUNO N0RR!ē, * - Editor P. M. ROONEY, - Manager, NOTICE. All llnnneM Communlcationa «homhl be ad<iren8ed to P. M. BOONEY, HonoInln, U. I. i lonenponoenee nnd Commnnic*Uous tor I nhlionūon «honld be addree»ed to the Editor lUwau Uolomna. No notioe will be paid to nny ftuotumouB oomumnieaUone. Business Cards YOLNEY V. A8HFORD, Attovney and Coanselor at Law, Olliee, Site of the 01d Berh«l — \Vest Corner of King and Bethel Streets. jy2l A. P. PETERSON, attouney at law. Office: 113 Kafthumanu Street, Uonolnln Hawftiiftn Islftnd«. CHARLES CREIGHTON,| ATTOUNEY AT LAW. / Offioe: 113 Kftfthnmftuu Street, Honolnln Hawaiiau lslftud<i. * PAUL NEUMANN, attornky at law. 314 Merchant Stroet, Honolulu, Mutual Tolerbone 416. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND OOUN8ELLOK AT LAW. Offloc. 01d C«pitol Bnilding, (Honolulu Uale), *(lk>ining Po«t Office, Honolnln.l A. ROSA, attorney at law, No. 1"> Kaahumann St., Honolnln, Hawaiian Islands. H. F. BERTELMANN, OONTRACTOR AND BCILDEK,I 80 King St., Bell Telophone 107. F. H. REDWARD. CONTRAOTOR axp BCIXDEK. No. 506 King Street, Honoluln. Hawaiian Islarids. V«. FOSTEH, atokneyatlaw. 42 Mercliant StreeL Oct llth. A. G eOHHEA, urattorn kt at law.jej 307 Morchant Slreet, Honolulu. J.v90 Fernaudes & Gomcs WUOLE8ALE California Winea and Spirits, No, 502 Forl SL. Honolulu, H. I. *P O. Box 436, Mulual Tele. 140. CJ1TOB CHTO6E| coMPAyr, 335 Both TklepHoses *335 Haek BUnd, Corner Ki«f Mannakea Stre«U, Haek» »4 AH HounL X* SAM TEE HOP. No. 552 Kiug 8treet, D«uIm »«* Califoruia and Hawaiian Fruita and Vegetablea. Ouaea J«Ry» T«a and Groand Godo«»