Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Removal ! | lQltace 6 Co, — UAVE MOVED T0 Morgan’s - Auction - Rooms tor a »hort tun<e. We nr*till seOi»jt Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLING WOOD ia acy qoantltj. Both Telcphoacs 414 Ploneer Shlrt Factory ESTA.BLisHED 1SST. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, 5IS Fort St., Honolola. (UpsUiri) Good Fit j [ COXSOLIDATED SODA WATER C0. i (Ll3«TTKD.) ESPLA N A D E : 1 Cor. Allen «nd Fort St«. : : Honoluia !I0LL1STER & C0„ A(fDU. ■ The Whlte Houae! . 118 Nuuanu Avenue, |\oNOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS J\ "ir?t-clB?S jJou?e IN' EVERY BESPECT. EooK'froi $1-50 to $3.00 per Weel- ; or 50c. per Day- \ PiUL LEMKE, \ PROPRIETOR. Bell Telephone 132. au£ 22 NOTICE TO Tisitors, tecplc Partles. Lnans Lnd— OENEKAL PUBLIC I At Smith’3 B(J3 aSd Livehy Stable, Kixo Svreet. [Adjoining Metropolitan iLat Market.] ls the Che«pest Plaee io To4jn yon ean get Bnsses, Wagoneāes, Bnggies«and 8atldle Horses, It will pay yon to eall and see be£ore yon try elsewhere. Mutual Telephoue 408 angl-tf Cv.ipon|(i4 pi^Ji T MaiK 6 !* E T c., i i Corncr King and Alakea SftreeU. By Ererj Steamcr from S«n Frmncisco, with Fresh Fruit, Oysters, 6a/mon, Poultry, Etc. Etc., Etc., •eot 6. ’W-L». Etc.J LEWI8 J. LEYEI Real Estate and Gc Auctioneer. Conxer Port *nd Qneeo Streets, ] Persoual attention giren ( of Furnilure, Real Es 8tock and Genera Merchandise. Mvtnal TcUohone 23$. NOTICEl>oring my absence !rc country after the departure •'Oeeaaie” for Chiua Chin will have full charge of my neaa and afiairs generally.‘ WaUukn, 8epL 5i4, Ah w ANTEI or ŪOI u ? nu ”° fr ° u !«*ve the lBland to In<Unre at