Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Fire, Life <& Harine iNSURANCE. • t HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE C0 Assets, $ 1109,825.49 LO\DOX-LAXCASHIRE FIRE IXS.(C0., Assets, $ 4,317,052.00 THAMES-MTERSEY MARIXE IXS. CO, Assets, 3 6.124,057.00 XEW YORK LIFE IXSURAXCE CO f Assets, $131499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, Generjl Agent (or the Hawaiian lalanilā,\ionolala V
>1 «TYRĒ B»0 IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, l 3 rovisions \ AXD Feed, EAST CORNER FORT *t K[NGjSTS. New Goods Rec'd By every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe. Fresh California Prodnce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the oity FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Post Office Boi No. 145, Telephone No. 92.
H. 0. Box 480. Mlīual Telephone 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy New and Second Hand Fnrniture IS AT.ITHĒ King CORNER 0F & Nuuanu Sts. I X L jy30 l : Honoluiu |II. L
PANĪHEON SALOON,! FORT AND 110TEL STS. Heaiuaaiters Enlemme Brewine Co. TH* Largest Consignment of Beer that ever arrived here, now on Draught lyI4 J. DODD, Prop’r REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Houses to rent and for sale. Bents collected, conveyancing in all its branches attended to witb promptness and despatch. Ho>*oulc Real Estate Agkxct. 103 Fort St LEWIS & C0. Wh»lesale snd Retail Groeeries un> FBOTISION DE.VI.EKS, mSH C AUMMU SiLM0N 0« 1« By ET*ry Baa Fnutcisoo 8hMBner. 8alt Salmox m Babkzls a Spkcialtt. iu p9Tf St. t Honohlu. Tel. »4», {P* O. Bax 397.