Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BEDS of WOVEN WIRE! j The Luxury OF THK |l9th Century A 3£yirterioiilt TnleDkJ m( bc«r bo< tk Non»r» ~r»; wae crowa. Ho» ik Bilk fot ta the eoeoaeai; <bn ra*a*o «enl m w<<; Fro« wiwaee tb« mti<n eaae to wepie tfcU f*lr had, Aod «bcs tber died. wkrrr tber <11 weat. Um 1 h<ppr »l3&ky twrJ’ i Tt*M« £uru are <3 ■niniom, <o4 80 »o'bUoo tet. Ani lb<re‘* otb>- m<*t er.-.-i noit- <* J' ev wiieh <re n -s ret # Who w« U rvn the optam no{. cot m i ht 1 lk{nor fitt, How wm it Ca»to<B» ®«n were biiai. Jet«ctirw eoali n: w».’ , tW-w roitv? to be the TiBDt3T King o< thi» most pioei town, W*bo‘U rt<rt ihe Show. to whom *h<Ii w t <11 pUek ihe “n««dfal” «iown; Who wi!l be Bom. <n i run the firtn, wbo will tbe Bncklfv be, Tc do it oa the Fri*oo pUn of the Gre»t Kepnhlie free* j Oae thiai we know th<t Ba1LKY"S BED? ' <re miie of Wt>VF.N WIKE. 1 Thry give o» comfort. pemee <ad rwt, <o«l <re <11 th<t we desirr; Ue tak.es no p*rt in polilio», bat doe« the t>o*t he c<n. To pieaee his friend«. <nJ «how th<t he'» the WOVKN WIKK MAN 1 I W0VEN W/RE BAILĒY,\ I Msnufacturer 0f WOVEN WIRE Beds, I I I Holel Street. Honolulu, (ueit ! door to Hom’» Steam Bakerv.) I I Sold by iUl Rssns-tafc?e ! / * • DsalErs. aug H-lm' L. B. KERR'S : ANNOUNCEMENT! p HWE JJiF RECEIVED A LARGE ASSOBTMEST 0F . FINE SU1T1NGS< ELEGANT PATTEKXS, ANDXAT£ST STYLES. The?egoods wiil be 9old,in any Qaantity frotu a 100JYards Dowx to Enoi’oh to Make a Sixoi.e Scit ! —AND AT—HAED THE8PRI0E8! 1«. B. KKBK. • • iuporterī SQaeen S:reet. SeptV3m PIONEEH Steam CANDY Factory. KiH ERY and \ lee Cream Pariors! i ■A 1863 18*4 nr pPwicncAL CONFEC T102STEK axd ORNAMENTER /« *U Amwk» o/ tW kiwn 9« I kett ulatui*. Emeliak. Oemuui ud Fr»wt PA»TIUJU M*Je te Wfer. BIRTH-DAT ARD WEDDWG CA£B Mmie «f Um Very Bc*t Jbt«rml <m! U r Faoiiiy 6raiun 4 Fancy Bread Ahn*jf! M H%md, 4LL COIPECT102IEKY Are (.mUiwl to ha SaUat PHeawae «Hk r«* FACTOEY AXD 8TORE, Xo T! B«M Skrwt, HwwW»