Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

fjAW\n^N OpE^H°^5E L. J. LEVEY W. K. DAILEY . . \Unager Second Season of Dailey Siock Co„ uiuler the per>>nal <lirectioa of ► W. R Dailkt. 0«r Lat*t Weel^: TUESDAY EVEOTN'G,"Novenibor 13. 1S94. Oor last regulai Prefornaance of tbe Soason. Wages of Sln SECURE SEATS EARLY! Doors open at 7 ;30. Curiain will rise at 8 o’e’.oe'i prompt. .. se22 td E. M. NAKUINA C.-umuisiuut r o( PriT»te W*vs acd Water RighU, DLstricto< Hoaolala. NOTARY PIBLIC A(iENT.to GKANT MAKKLAOK LlCF.NSE.-j ( >ftk-e, 3iS Men'hanl Street. oct 15 TUTI REMED1ES. QWILL! ( I KK t'on»nmptlon, Kheem.Unu, < «urrh, Cr»np, «i; >k a Kem.ie Com pl»int*. «nU nie» lu the womt torra. Hop**s *rv cutertained lh*t U «rill c« re Leoro*v. Tbey »re Vr(rtablr Remedlea and nn be bv ihe moet delicte »nd th« youn«e*t chlld. Priees within thc resch of all. Sold at 109 Kin« alreet, Way Block, under Harmoav tfaU. tfonolnIii. Empire Saloon, JAMES 0LD6, P^pkikiok; pine Wiiies, Llqnors. 3eer AI.WA3 ON HAND. Corner Nauanu and Hotel.Stre«U BeU lelephone '241. Post OAloe Bos 107 B. BERGERSEN # Gener»l Ajfent ior ,SING-ER SEWING MAOHINE COMPY. All Kimls of Needles for Sale and Repairing Dcao. F>»mon’s Block Bethel Stn?et. Honolnln. P. O. Box 440. jy21 Long Branch -8ATKmGEstabllshment. Tfai» Fim-Cla» B*tfaiog RcCort has b©en eniirgcd and Ls now open to tbe puMie, lt » tfae beet pUee on the »Uod9 to eojoy & Baih. and there īa oo beUer oUee to !ay oā. Special aocnmmodati309 for L» - di«s. Tramcart pM» tfa* door eierj hadf faour, and oo 8*turday« aud Snndaj* erer j fifleea minole*. C. J. SHERWOOD, jj24 Proprietor.