Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 November 1894 — Sans Souci Forever. [ARTICLE]
Sans Souci Forever.
! A moonligbt concert will bo given at S\ns Sonci tonight, and ‘ tbe boautifal «reatber will tempt the whole of Honolalu to viait the magnifiocnt seaside resort, i auJ there enjoy the fresh breeze, , a oool bath and the £nest mnaie whieh ean be rendered in Honoluln. Not to speak of the hospit- | ality of the genial bost. Tbefollowiog is tbe programme selected by Professor Liboynio: PaRT I. 1. March —“American Cadets M Hall i 2. Overtore— ‘ Poet and Peasant” 8appe 3. Polka —"8ansSoaei‘* Lihomio 4. Sexopbone Solo — *'Qu«en Liliaokaiani Libornio Songs. i PART 11. |, 5. Or«rture —*‘Said Paaha’*... .Suhl 6. WalU — ’Las Olaa’. . Rosas 7. Doni»«tto —**La Paloma’’. . Tradier 8. 3iaroh —“Kaiuiani ...Lihonūo "Hawaii PonoL'*