Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 Nowemapa 1894 — CINDERELLA. [ARTICLE]
Dailey As,An Orator. r I | 7hs two perform»ooes of CinderelU pre*en®«i l«st S*tard*r. I i i wer* verr pIe«siog to the !«rge , l' aadiences th«t| greeted tbe spectacal«r pl»y. I In the evĀiing Mr. 0*iiej . fuand it neceapary to eiplain tbat no po&sibie polilienl import»nce or idea couid be credited to ihe clererlj arranged trnn{ormation I eeene, in whieh the friendsbip be- » tween Hawaii and Amenean «u I alIegoricaIlv rJpresented. It is hardly po«sil|e to believe that Honoluia, atfleast ontside the missionaries /eao contain sach : narrow-mindedness and idiocy, as that display|d by the bosy bodies, ( who thonght tbat Dailey’s magoi> • ficent scene was meant for poliii- ! ’ eal purposes. It waa jost as well that he gave them a pieee of his mind. Mi>|j Stockmoyer danced her Hawauan dance, and was eqaallv 1 gracefal and clever in ber Amer- '' iean ballet as in ber first public attempt of the hula kui. Her | rendition of tbe Maui Girl and Like no a Like, simply brooght ne honse down, and she was ol>I liged to respond to an eucore. It |is hoped she will ref>eat her Ha- 1 1 waiian venture next AVednesday at Mr. Dailey’s beuefit.