Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 November 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Tbe Cbina i*oot ret aigfate>J. Th« Kinau will «rriTe te-tsorrow J morning. The C ircoit Cour4 wa* 1juv tfais | Tbe n*tire j met this afternoon at 1 30 o'eloek. The Coaein*s Societj mei at the . re«idence of P. W. Damon last Saturdav nigfat. The Rer. Mr. Hulehina finUhed 1 his discourae at the Centi»l Union I lael night before a large aod?ence. | A new hotei has heen opened at Kailua, Hawaii. Miw Pane bas ch\rge of itBand Concert by tbe Nalional'e tonight at the * , only” Sans Soaci. The Bicycle meet on Thanks- ; givings day will be an immense 1 success. Our loeal boye will s».e some fun. President Do(e will return lo his eapilai to-morrow in the Kinau. The ueual amount of ja ers aiul 1 jailbirds will be at the wharf, A fishing and a hunting partv ! whieh have viaited the outlyim< { districts relurned last night aft/r baving enjoyed several djtt-s first class sport and bringing hoi/e a large bcx)ty. Ē The American League m now selling tickets for itsannuaf eele-I br<»tion. The feast will taJb plnee at Indepeiulenc« Hall nr m Park, i now the raostpromiment r/creation grounds noar Honolulu. / The natlve boys who some time ago drove one ofSam Graham’s ; horses to death have eaeh been fined $60. As none of them has got a hean Mr. Graliam will be unab!e to recover loss. The horse was valued a/§200. A big auelion s«le is taken plaee at the offices of H. W. 8chmidt and Sons to-day A stock of poetry will probably he sold at private aale to the Paradist or the Advrrttser. I A largo »nmber of visitors called at thef numorous batbing places at Waikikiyestorday. Tho weather waT superb aud all Holulu seeme(I to enjoy a pleasant outing. j . I , Captaii/ Cordes who acts as comm&D(wr of tbe mounted poliee caught one of the patrolmen sleeping last night. The new ”boss’' extracted tho stirrnps from the horse of the man and brought tbom to Hitcbcock as a triumplu»nt token of vigilance — ; ou his pJrt. A uu4t elegant dinner was given 4) Consul-General Fnjii last Sat(irday at Sans Souci. by n number of proinment Japanese goutlemeti. The jQaintette Clob was in attendancoand Mr. I ujii’s many friends were profuse in proving their sincere desiro for hisieturu to iheae sunny i«les. Mr. and Mrs. Fujii will le»ve in i tho China. From Laysan Island. The barkt. Planter. Captain l’uderwood. arrived todav £rom Lays«n Island- Tbe vesael left the Lslaud ‘24 days ago and brmgs a full c»rgo. Oovernor Freeth arrived in her looking as healthy as ever. Notfaiog w«s he«rd «bont the disapp*ared ste«m [ l«aneb or the «bscondiDg Jap. Prob«bly be bas mot theChine9e and mto faot ettor. Tfaere wa« nothing new on the ialani.