Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MORGAGEESXOnOEOF LSTE.VTION T0 FORECLOSE A5D OF SALE. Xotice k benbr giren th*« purm*at to » pow« of stle caaiuoe<i in • «rUm s»ottckted SeptemNr Ut, A. D. IS«. by GEORGE 5AEUUA MAKAEA GEORGE hw »īff, <rf Honoiahi. tl*nd o£ Ookn.U» Mabe Kiini. ktecfaid Honolaln deceo*ed, recorded in the offlee o< the Beg»tzv of ConnraiKe», i Liber 138, fobos d • 2-1 J. A- Cnmmics. .\dmmistrmtor uith WlU taafied of the Will of the md Maiie decemsed. inteods to forecl<'9e said mcrtgage for * breacijl'f tbe oondibons in said stortomg« c*>ntni ied to vit: the nonpnjnMnt of both tbe hnneīpml *nd interest

du«. Nabee w aieo beret,V gĪTec th*t *U uid «nggt»r the Unds> tenjments nnd berediumeots in sūd mortcsee conUined &nd <3ejcnbed, -will be «xd «t PnHk Auonon, »t the Anctk>n room of Lewis J. LeT«y, on Qn«en S:reet. in sai<i Honolnln jon WEDNESDAT, th< 14 DAY of NO\'EMBEK A. D. at 12 o’i The propertr deboribed, tU: Th«t cerum pieoe 01 oa, Honoln’ i, «foresai uin pieee oi land Honolnln «lonsaid. noon o( said dar. mort£age is thns ,d sitn«te in Panand aiso that e«r,te at Anwaiolimn, ibed in Rov*I Patenl 17S9, Land Commis8ion Award 3154 to Makaionln. oonTered to Umanma opio by Umanma his father. bji deed recorded īn Liber 30 p. 296-7, and by*Aid Umanma opio to George Nakiana bv dēed recorded in Uber 136 p. 307-8. Tenn cash in U. S. Gold Coin. Deeds at expense of pnrchaser. For fnrther particnlars, apply to Jas. K. Kaniia and Enoeh Johnson. Attomey» for the A<iministmtor with the Will anneiēd of the Will of Malie Kahai, deceased, Mortj. a. adboNs. Administrator with the Will annexed of the Will of Malie Kahai, deceased. Mortg*gee. Dedat Honolnln, Oct ’24, 1894. 3wks-dly.

BEACH GROVE. New Sea Side, Pienie and Bat ing Resort; s IIAS BEEN OPENED UP, AND IS NOW | n ready to receive visitors. The new t resort is nnder the management of Charles j F. Warren. The plaee is witlun a convenient distanee from town, and two minntes . walk, from the Tram Cars (Bishop’s switch) . The premises whieh will be at the dispcsal ’ of patrons comprises between fonr and five r acres of beautiful grassy grounds, over- , shadowed by tropictd trees. Also a eom- * plete outfit of bath rooms and bathingsnits. j There is a great deal of romance connected with these grouuds. It is said to be the * exact spot on tho £each where Kamehame- . ha the conqueror landed with his thousands of warriors bent upon the conquest of Oahu. , There is a sacred pond upon the land sup- , plied from a legendary spring. For hundred of years the uatives have used this i water for medicinal purposcs more especially as they elaim as an effective remeily for rheumatism and paralysis. Beach Grove 1 or Kawehewehe was a portion of the sea side residence of that great chief and war- * rior, Kamehameha I. These new bathiug ( aQ d recreation grounds will be exclusively for the uie of families. Ladies and children will enjoy a days outing at Beach Grove. . The water is jnst Jeep enough ;to be eomfortable with a niee sandy beach. This new resqrt snpplies a long felt want and b sure of liberal patronage. Charges will be extremely moderate so as to eome within the reachofall. All through the grounds there are arbors and shaded bowers famished with tables and seats for the acoommodation of those who bring along their own eatables. Sandwiches, cakes, soda water and lemonade on iee may be had at the premises. Honolulu, Nov. 5, 1894. a 2wks-dly.

ipi E^TE : Hause RsrLting and CDllactian Agency lo&n? negotiated on Real Estate and PersonaI Froperty, Xow is the timc to list yonr property, as thc dentand for homos īs incn*a.slng cvervd*T. Strangers are coming to “The Paradisē “ in great numbere. We have some most desirable propcrty for sale. If you own a lot, and de»ire to b*lld a home, we will (nrnish the money on favorable terms. ThH Hawaiian Invastmant Ca., • Gencral Real Estatc AgeuU, 18 and 13 Kaahamaun strect. C. A. LONG. Notary Pnhlie Telephone 63t) aov3 THIS SPACE i Heserved for ITOHAN

FOR 8ALK. 8,000 SI3AL PLANTS from the Bafa*mas I&iand« hare heen imported *nd ean be fa*d in qnantities to sait by applrlng at the B lo*5*.° rT ! cs , Iniulul in net lndaitria* tfaonia not lose ihu opporumitr OCT 13 tl '■ - hotice. Danng mr aheenee from »helsl*mla. Mr Hoaaei G. Ck.\bbs is duly »nthoriz«l to leoeiee and reeeipt for »0 moniea doe and owingtome J. W. LUKINO, at mv affi« nnnl NoT«nber a3rd, 19M,»twhich d»te wiD person»Uj attend. J. W. LCNUfG. oct 17th Im

: ViHQ-:-F/T-:-CHAH 1 —: FuRWTURE DēALERS. :— : ** t0 ****“ U* puWie U»t; U>«7 h*TC Op«Md * ’ Bnach Stor8 &t No. 322, Nooae St‘ ► V*T «tt7 » complete Une of . 8EOKOOM smrs, CHAIRS, TABLES, WASDEOB£S, • CTASDe, Ete., Ete., Kte. rwutw«R«mM n4 6«MnU«kUu -* m ~niTfiii Tr»tn vnrG FAT CHAN, Facl o ry , ccmer oi Ktag sad BctM EmU.