Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 10 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

1UST ARRIVED V 5 N B«BY ■ C»RRUGES OF A.LL STYLES. IN THE LATEST PATTEl:\> ‘*iH OUSEHOLD SEWING MACH!NES HlXD SEWING iiAClUX2S, ty AB With the Latt>sc Iiuprc.v. PAELOK Oraans, Guiraiv Aad Other Mtukad Instnui.- a Wines, Liquois, Bcer always os band, \ND FOR SALE BV ED, HOFFSCHUEGER 4 C0. Kin« St.. oppo. Cutle A Cooki*>

Criterion. Saloon f >'(U’ICE i- herebv given t th.it all claims against tbo Criterion Saloon, will be settlcd by Jas. F. and all outstanding accounts ci e the Critebiox Saloo\ aml the jobbing house of L. H. Dke up to tho abovo dato, are p vabie t • Mr. L. IL Dee.

All bills ag»iinst L. H. Dfe, pleaso preseut iramediatelv f 0 t payment. L. H. DEE. Honoli,lu, Oct. 3, 1894. oelO 3m ī\a±Liilui TloteI f\AHULUI, MaUI. SA.pt Si((q, PKOPIUEIOK. sept'7*-tf dii«cnit \imt Fiifjrt dM ol the [lawaiiaq I^Iand$ IN PROBATE. lu tbe nutter of tbc Est»t ot He': MoOkew late of Hooolulu. Uali i J. inteatate. On Rx4DD!0 aml FUing Uie !’.• ‘ ALi*nos.«i>E MoOhkw of S»n Kn O» tb»t Henki «. McGkew of H< elieil iotest»te at Honolulu, ont!. -■ October, A. D. «nd prayiiiL' 'ii.i’. of Administr»tion i(>sue to J j'Ei ii 1 >. Cakte‘. Sk. It is okmekeo tbat Fridav tin - i i» N*OTeinber, A. D. 1S>C at 1» .>\ 1 k » m *nd berebj is appolnted t->r bea: • PetItion, in the Court K»om of ’.h'- >.■ Honololn, at whieh time and pU a son» concerned m»y appear and «!m* au?ifany they have, wbv said Pet : 'n «hoaMnwl be t>ranted. Date Honoiulu, H. I. O. t. M, A. D. I'M By tbe C’ourt. Geoki.c Leea*. Ci.rt-ocUK-tf

jSTOTICE:. I hereby declare my intention to ccntest and aak to have dec.ared YOID the ELECTION. held ou the 29th day of October, UENRY KLEMME. nov 7 2w

* R]inei , al Water f . An o l the OU br*uJ 5H A > A WATER just reeeived dir 5 fr> ® 3priags In Shas!a, C«Jiforaia. “3HASTA- ia the flnest Miae.-ai f 18 the worlJ. It U uā«i in «rerv ! •- - J “* *nd on «11 tbe ntilwar diaiag ■' United Sute?, ,l SHASTA ’ U Ihe tjtu,en ofill t*bU ■* J - '= blenda perfectlj with lninor of *il kiaJ- J ’ u ia • nneoml relief for all disordcr> »: (tomacb, kidu »-i and lirer For iale, br «11 3RL*iolSTS «nJ ! -* TRADE <iILNER.VLLY Macfarlan0 & Co. Ltd., 8olc Agents for the Hawaiian I>I J rr MACHINE MADE d _ 012 FACTORY, ; : KALiHITaro Pianta. Fresh Tops «ad K<» Taro at all timw. Riog Up Mutual Telepnon« a* 7 ' Bell 345. \V. L. WILCOX, Mausg ex *