Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 10 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
1 r ,^ C c irg j\ tū$ up. Sometimes where to go t"> pur- 1 chase auy particular »rticle, but ■ notifyou happen to want anything in the line of Artists' Sapplie«, Pictnre Framw or enlarged portraits. ther« is but one plaee iu Honolulu. to purchase all materia!s, aiui that s KING BROS.’ Store, for whieh there is no rival on these Islands. THE F!NEST PAINT'NGS /N HAWAII, ARE ON EXHIBIT!ON /N TH/S GALLERY.
The firm m:\kes specialty o£ enportraits as well as mak11% picture framis in the very la«st slyles of mouldings. the sheet pictures, they have tboi%\nds to select from o£ whieh invite an inspection at any time. mios., Hotel '.\treet, : : : Honolulu. nov 7 tf LADIB8’ *COLUJVIN. The derm>nd for white cotton Dress Goodlduring tbe last week has incluced\us to continue the saleof those%i hand until they are all sold. E.Vnember th:s means that You by tuexi at jcst what t:iey cost us, nuu one cent more or oiecentless. Ve ain’t making any raoney on these kind of sales, but it gives us room for the iramense stock of new goods that havearrived by tae “Australia.’’ We want to movlof our H"siery at our Quick Sales !\nd Small ProfitPrises, so the L.\ AlES’ BLACK STOCKIXGS will jvo ag\in this week at !ast |rices, or the $3 per dozeu ones it $2.25 per dozen, while the 15 por dozen ones will go at $4 pet dozen. The same with MEX’S St\CKS: the 13 per dozen ones are n<iW $2.25 per do?en. We also wanftto cal!Speeial Attention to the 3hiagnificent White Cotton Embroi(AredHandLerchiefs offered this w'ek. They are not eheap oies, its thepriceof them that is eheap. The inteiest a’so incieases in our V r olcano trip and 5t is quite evident from late reports that Madame Pele is rrakinlgreatpreparatious to do her plrt for she has been tbrowing up|| fountains of fire fifty feet high during the last week and goes to show that by tlw timeyou are ready to go she* wifl be in ter glory. f Remember and savoevery if you do not have enough you ean give them to friends who aie making up clubs. This week ia a great week for buyers. B. F. EHLERS & C0.
290 Ring Up 690 United Carriage Company, M. REIS l’J.C. QUINN
Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTHALI A, ” Another Invoice of the WorId Renowned freoericksburg UGER BEER On drmoght .„ d by the keg. a Specialty, Smau Fr£sh Califorhia oystērs. ®'o» COCKTAlLS 3as