Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 10 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
1 — 5 i MOEGAG E E> XOTICEOF1NTEXTIOS 10 FORECL«>SE ASD OF SALE. e ; Koiioe is facrebj given tLat parsnant to a povrer of eonumeU in a certain mort- - gage <l*ted Septemb> r lst. A. D. 1892, made , by GEOBGE KAKIAUA and MAK VEA GB01tGE his wife, of Honolulu, L>Und ol i Oaho. to Malie KaLai, laleof said Honolulu , deceaj»ed, recorded in the offict of the Kegwlrar of CocTerances. in Liber 138, folios 231 • 1 I 2-1 J. A.Cnmmins, Adaiinisltator witb WiU annexed of the Will of the said Mnlie • 1 K&h ō, deoease>L inteuds to foreclose said . mortgage L>r u breach of the oonditionā in I said mortgage contained to wil: the nonof both tbe principal and interesl when due. c Kotice is al»o herebv given that &11 and . siugnhir the lauds, lenemenu and hereditaments in said mortgage contained aud de1 schbed, will be sold at Public Auction, at the Auction poom of Lewis J, Lev-y, od 1 Queen Strtet, in said Honolulu Jon ? WEDKKSDAY, the 14 D.\Y of KOVEMBEB A. I). 1891, at 12 o’eloek noon of said day. 3 The property in said mortg.)ge is thu« describtd, viz; 5 That certaiu pieee of laud situate in Pau3 oa, Honolulu, aforesaid, aud also that certain pieee of land sitnate at Auwaiolimu, 1 Honolulu aforesaid, described in Royal , Patent 1789, Land Commission Award 3154 to Makuioulu,conveyed to Umanma opio by 3 Umaumu his father, by dced recorded in , Liber 30 ,p. ‘396-7, aml by said Umauma opio f to Oeorge Nakiaua by deed recorded in Libei 5 136 p. 307-8. Term cash in U. S. Gold Coin. Deeds at ) erpen.se of purchaser. For further particnbrs, apply to Jas. K. Kanlia and Enoeh Johnsun. Attorneys for the Administrator with thc Will auuexed of the Will of Malie Kahai, deceased, Morti gagee. J. A. CUMMIKS. Administrator wiiU the Will annexc-d o( the t Will o( Malie Kahai, deceased, Mortgagee. Honolulu, Oct “34, 1894. 3wks-dly.
BEACH GROVE. New Sea Side, Pienie and Bathing Resort; Has been opened up, and is now ready to receive vLsitors. TLe new , resort is under the management of Charles F. Warren. The plaee is within a convenient distance from town, and two minutes walk, from the Tram Cars (Bishop'sswitch) ’ The premi.sc-s whieh will be at the dispcsal of patrons comprises between four aud tive 1 acres of beautiful grassy grounds, overshadowed by tropical trees. Also a eomplete outtit of bath rooms aud bathing suits. There is a great deal of romance connected 7 with these grouuds. It is said to be the exact spot on thc Beach where Kamehameha the conqueror landed with his thousands , of warriors beut upou the oonquest of Oahu. There is a sacred pond npon the land snp- ) plied from a legendary spring. For hundred of years the natives have nsed this ’ water f.ir medicinal purposes niore especial- ) ly as they elaim as an effective remedy for . rheumatism and paralysis. Bcach Grove or Kawehewehe was a portion of the sea side residerce of that great chief and warrior, Kamehameha I. These new bathing and recreation gronuds will be exclnsively for the use cf families. Ladies and childreu will enjoy a dajs outing at Beach Grove. The water is just deep enough : to be eomfortable with a niee saudy beaeh. This new resort snpp!ies a 'ong fe*t want and is sure of liberal patronage. Charges will be eitremely moderate uo as to oome wilhin the reach ofall. All through the grouuds there are arbors and shaded bowers furnished with tables and seats for the accommodat'on of those who bring olong their owu eatables. Saudwiches, cakcs, soda water aud lemonade on iee may be had at the premises. Honolnln, Nov. 5, 1S04. - dwks-dly. Hause RenUn3 and Callectlūn Agency loans negotiated on Heal Estate and Fersūnal Prcperty. New is the timo to li«t your propcrty. as tbc demard for bomes is increaslng everydar. Slr»njrer» are comiog to " The Paradisē ” m gremt nnmt>er*. We h*ve -omo most dcsir»ble ptoperty for s»Io. If yoa own a lot, •V deslrc to baild a home. we will lumUh the money on f»vormble term*. Tba Ha-x'aitaji Invsstmsnt Ca., Ueacr»l R. »l E»tate Aeenla, 13 »nd 15 Kaahomann $tr«ct C. A. LONO, Notary Pnhlie Telephone 639 nov3 THIS SVA.CE Reserved for ITOHAN. vihq-!-F/t-s-ch/N —: FURNITURE DēALERS. eg lo luform tbe puhlk th»t*th«y tuvc opened » Hnaei* Stora ftt No. 322, Nuuanu Sl 4 Wbere th«y carrj « eompiele line of B£DKOOil« iST8, CKAIRS, TABLEjS WARDKOBES, 0TAJiDS, Kte., Slc., Ete. ru»iur* K>fln< »»4 G*«er»I dobblac *t HomomUo B»t—. VING FAT CHAN, Fheto»y,aor*ef of Cteg aod Betbe! sstreetS. a»pt 6~3ms