Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 10 November 1894 — RUMORS. [ARTICLE]
Tbe Advtrii9tr imlalges iu a lot of ruuaors in whieh tbe royalists are to!d that tbey are doing some wonderful conspiring aguinst the virtuous members of Mr. Dole’s Republic. We believe that the royalists are iuherent couspirators but we cannot give oredence to the Adi'erii.ifr statement that they are very, very bad. Tbcre is nnt tho slightest iutention to revolt among the opposition to Mr Dole’s republic. The intelligent members kuow perfectly well that the existence of tbe said republic will terminate in a few years. In the meantime it woold be advisable for the authoritics to take a tomble and keep their “menlal” shirts on. A well-known spy reported to the marshal a few days ago that he had been present at a big royalfst meeting. A nomber ot nativea, he said, were present and over fifty haoles all masked did the bnsiness. li is hardly to be believed that the marsbal conld give oredenoe to aneh a yarn bnt nevertheless it appeaia t).at he did. Not a day goes by except the most absurd mmors are circulated. lf tbe manhal deairee to take noiioe of them he is weleome. All we ean say i* that if Mr. Hitchoock*and his partner Mr. W. O. Smith kuew their dnties their apie» would be dismisaed and ihe
t ramors stopp*d onee and fori erer. s The royalists don‘t intend to i stir up a row and the repnblic is not seekiog for it neitber . ’ througb llileheoek or that poos: nnfortim»te “gtnentl,' Mr. 3 Fisber. lt is >>boat time thut tbe | lies against the opposition to tbe . f present regime wen* checked. We ean do all the Iying ourselves - We noed no assistance from tbe » j ofiiciai orgaus.