Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 10 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Removal : Hmstace k. Qq JL\Vl MOVKD TO ! - Morgan’s - Auction - Roomt ; tor * s&ort time. We »re«ill *enin« Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLING WOOD ia quantity. Bolh Telepbone* 4H %aC Pioneer Shirt Factory established isst. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, 5IS Fort St.. Honoluln, (UpeUlni Good Fit ■ COXSOLIDATED SODA WATER C0. (Lnemio.) E8PLAN ADE: Cop. Allen «nd Fort St*. s : Honolnln !I0LL1STER & C0„ Aeenl*. Thc Whlte House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS \ Fir?t-cla?s j4oū?e IN EVERY RESPECT. fifom $1-50 to $3.00 w Weel \ or 50c. per Day. P\1ULLEMKE, V PROPRIETOR. Bell ielephone 132. au£ 22 NOTICE TO Yisitors, Pienie Partles. Lnans \i —AND—GENER/;L PUBLICI TI1 At Smith’s Bus ’axd Livkky || Stable, Kixg JBtbeet. [Adjoining MetropolitanjMeat Market.] ls the Cheapest Plaee in 1 Bnsses, Wagonetie8, Bng Horses. It will pay yon before you try elsewhero. you ean get and Sadole eall and see Mut«al Telephone 408 angl-tf Etc-, Corner King and Al*kesCStreeU. • » noo s By Eretj Steamer from San Francisco, with Fresh Fruit, Oysfers, 6a/mon, Pou/try, Etc. Etc., Etc., Etc.| *eot 6. LEWI8 J. LEYEY. Real Estate and Gen Auctioneer. Oorner Fort and Qnecn 8treets, Hoi Personal attontion giren to ! of Funuture, B©al Estat Stock and General Merohandise. Mnhul Tckphone NOTICEDoring my absence I coantry after the departai ‘•Oopanle" for China Chi will have fnll charge of m D6sa and aflairs generally, Wailnkn, Se*L 24 WANTED. As Hou9ekw»per or anrse by experieoccd none juat from the U.8. wili Ieave the Island to nurse. Inqoire at HoLoMūa Ofkice. 0Ct8 3t»d