Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 10 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

=hiri:s= ROOT BEER XXRTOC». ARE TOC ? C«n t «■''» e*t. UmL * 1» » • toak to« w**t. UnUEi ROOTBEER pcnā« ib< tkkh* the p*ht«HIRES tfc H1UES IMPKONU) ttR00T BEERI N L.'OUO ’CMK &*«.> h,TCC TMSP*C*«C£ »M£5 SAilī« j**vKrss\jr 7 whats thx mrrr.RENCE • Toa <irick HIRES ROOTBEER for p!e»*arr *n<l • tonīc Tou t*ke U** » toaic *od )fet pk**«ro. RooT BEER n« km imra»o wkwnmo turDuiici o«jsk t» <*• t»t t 1U yv ir pnnui «» Om»t IV t. t. HIRES. PMILAOEIPHIA Ih» «trrMi — lt ai(M h» •» »ma<*4 Bj OM(fe tk» l»RE3 ROOTBKKR Co«M »aJdroiT b« n»tak «h*t • «oaU tM For )>i<rīau. J»f mJ Nt|h(. To «tM>i *c J linak apo» th« t>rUth IU okUiow \Ioming, iN’oon, .... tiood »11 the u»e. Il rvmoTo* thr UogtK»r ol morainx. *u«t»itv* the e»enj. M*» n loll» lh« «e«rioe*« of ni£ht —IIIKES Ht»OTBKER--ir :•>«*. ;-S ; < ‘ “ » laxnnr. jooJ »» a ton»c, II is berood »11 di*pate » «ooderfat U«»lth «lTin< Jriak. an l lt t* ** rT ‘ lo ander»t»nJ «hT IhU l» *o. Tbc roof. herb«. b»rk» «od t»TTW*. from «h..■h HiKK- K' » BEER i* 'kil!fullv m-mle. arv tbe Uc»tlic«l ihlne» fr»c» «hu-h phr »1 -.*«•* - ■ '•!> rry >t e ft;l rrmcdiev E.>r io»t»nce; Do Toa bei.rTr th»t »t»» t» » . H!RES ROOTBEER eoolain» morr wr**j'«riUa lh»u m*n> <tr*»jmnUv- Tt ■ >=» " to olher ii«tredU-nt*. It I* doln< more to »drvnee pnelieml tcmjvr*nce lh*n o*nT jx> ple rr» • .’ * «•■ J *ud revo»nn»eoded br the tn»t .-*uli.>us *n>l .,-rT*:i-.< tcm;-r»i j t ® 1 •empulou* »b*t*iner V»n ctt)oT HIKE3 KOOTBEEk h.m*.-!». »n.l rr mmct .l t. • »n »<r«e»ble*nd hē*lthfttl »ab»tllate b>r the»trom: drtnk «h. hhe pj -v« It l» * homcm»dc *nd homrm»kin« heTcn»«e Ii U T.-ry c*> W t>r» »r> : » pUin dlrectlon» *re foIlo«ed, lt «U1 *l«»r» he roo*i- ETerr memh- r»f lhr f»«tlT m U-e Uby to the *r*ndf.tber. c»n enjoy ilIKE» R(MPtBF.F.K. *nJ r,er< ->nc of th . *. u». better he*lth for <«ch*«»llow they Uke lt lmjv«Te« tbe »pi>r!lte. pnrtft *t. - •>• 1. * tonc* the whole »T*tem. Children ettpeci*lly del«ht In HIRES KOdTBEEK lu V™V*r' tion intere»t» lbem. »nd il» «*e doc» them <ood. In lh.>u*»ol' o< homr* HIK *l. < BEEK lh»l mother nudc,” «lll be »mon* Ihe h»j>j>i<-st rr olh-> tion» <>f > 1 BEW ARE * I>o not conf»uod it «llh other Ro tN. r j rrr>*r»l. ♦, »» t.* ei.‘ like »nrthtnj; cl*e of the klnd Be«*r> of c*tn*ot« *dTcm«<M for makln. K” - . »» >. . < *re compo*rt rhiefly of colorimj «*tter »nd oiU lo <tre them fl»Tor. «hleh c»eite tl»e itenc» »nd caa*e n»u*c*. Hire» ImproTcd Rootbccr m*k.-* r«*ll» the wo*t h»rml<- >■.' >nr t»> ■* drinks yet nooiUhinw*nd *tren<theBfaj( the blood. Ii <-le»i'*c» thc *»•«>■» of th>- ;»•!*•> <»■-»* Uumors lh»t dereI»D tn kldney »nd urin»ry dt*c«e>», »nd in I».!, in »ay c**e th»t »rl*e» from an lmpure »t»te of the blood. Hlre« Improred Rootbcer i» »ffered lo the pnbti> »|th (uil conflden> •»f it* m-- 1 II eonuīn* no poUonon» or iojurio«* j>rwpertt>-* wheterer, »nd »n infaat »»» Uke it » u p«r fcct *»fcl»JOBBEKS;

HOLLISTER & CO Importers, Wbolosale anJ Uet»»l DoaleM in Fine Cigraxs, Toloacco, SxrLo3sexs -^xtiolesAgents for the Celebrated Gr. B. 1). PIPBS. M VDE IS P.VRH »0£>


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