Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 10 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BEDS of WOVEN WIRE! The Luxury| i or THK I9th Centupy A 5Systeriou* T»le. DM ew St«*r bo» li* tr« w«* poVs, 3o* ihr Kiik c-'t in ’.he coco*aat, wb« tn«acc t«J »u *o«b. Fn-« «b«Kt lb« attitw aw to peopl» tbb fmir bai> AbU «t*o lhe« 4S«L ti<r aU »cbS, tb» * t»ppy dB*k« butJ! < Ti»es« Curts *re ».’i mr»t«rioa*. a»4 ao k>IbUoa (p*t. Anl lb'Tr’* elhei- nn«frif* quite u «tncb u< noS f»;homcd j»l \Vbo «u it r»n the opinm rtof. p>t 1% tbe f U<]Oor free, How w»s it Cu*totn* taen «e« Niad, Jefee Urf» eoalU nt *e«? , \Vbo*« eoini to be the T»mnuc« of th» mo*t pioo» town. Wbo’U »t»rt tbe Sbo*. to »t.m *b»!I «e *U pUnX tbe “n«edfal” do«c; Wno »U1 be Bo**. »nd rna tbe "bo wiU tbe Buokif v be, To do it oo tbe rrfeoo pl»a of tbe Gre»t Bepnbilc frw? f One tUin? we kiv>w tb»t BAILET s BEI>S »re mi<lf of Wt)VKX " IKE, Thev eiVf os comfort, pe»ce aad rest. »nd »re »11 tb»t we de#ire. He Uke» no ]<»rt In poiilie», bnt doc* tbe be»l be oan. To nle»se bi* friend», »nd *how tb»t he’* tb< \VoVES WIKE M.UN 1 I
WOVEN WiRĒ BAILĒY, Manufacfurer Of WOVEN wire Beds, Holel Street, Honolulu, (next door to Horn’s Steara Bakery.) Sold by All Hespectat|B EeaieiE, aug I4-lra*
1.. B. KERR'S ANNOUNCEMENT! HWE JUiF RECEIVED A L\RGE ASSORTMEXT 0F . FINE SL r lTINGS, ELEGANT PATTERNS, and:latest STVLES. Tbose gixxJs will be sukl in any Quantity from a 100jYARDS Dowx T0 Enouoh to Makk a Sixgle Scit ! —ASD AT— HiBD THKSPRlf.ES! L. R. KEKK, • • WPOKīiK, (Queea Street. Sept-V-3m PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. BAKF.RY and Ice Cream Parlors 1 OP 'S6o 1894 ht practical CONFEC T!ONEK a>d ORNAMENTER /a all hm»*hu l kt Umm m Uu$t ioenan. 6«iim aa4 Pwth PA5TIUES Kad* to Ord*r.
BIRTE-DiY i!iD WEDDLNG g| Lb« Vrrv Br*t JUlcriai *ad F mily 6raham & Fancy Bre d i{*a|n m Hmd. ALL COSFEiTIO»El¥ ImMmI « Arr 6«twMi u» SoU «t w»« tpct«s iftb. kttli FACTDBY A>*D STORE yj ijmr, a*