Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Some kiml of a “poelieal” : toraado haa evidantl_v strack th« ! town. A most respectable dealer i ia kaliko and tbree star Heuaesy I started the ball rolling. Another | poet immediately eame to the j front in onr yesterday's issue. ; Today we are again called upon j to givo space to the same sort of high olaaa rhyming and we now i foel jastified in offering a prize to ; the best and brighteat *‘poet” in j town. Ladiea are notbarred and ! all oompetitors will see their “poetry” printed. And that s something many poeta never did. Tbe prize will be a ahaie in the embryo trnst under ihe direot patronage of Bolte and Jones. Don't crowd us. . „.