Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — Who He Is! [ARTICLE]

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Who He Is!

A visitor wlio seeks information writes to us and asks what Claus Spreckels' position is to Ji»\vaii. \\e understand that our enquirer loaves tomorrow in the Australia and we are sorry that he does so. To Udl plaiiih* and honestly whai .Sprcokels has been to Ha • waii is nol a matter of brief moments. "VN e wish that wo had weeks before ns in whieh to write colutur.s that could do justice to the sub ject The reason wby the snbject has boen broached ean be traced to the attempt of Mr. C. Bolte aud Co. to form a company whieh will aei as a sugar -**trast” and endoavor to crush Spreckels and the iuterests reproscnted by him. Claos Spreokels is an old man today and we belleve that he is not uuwilling to retire from ihe hnaneial field in whieh he hae been a master for years. Hia wonderful shrewduess and his nnparallelled determination bave been sent down from him to a younger generation and the men who lately ‘have opened a eampaigo against the old man will &nd tbat the ganntiet of defiance will be picked np by his sons. Old Ciaus was a pretty bad enatomer for the Hawaiian planter. John I». Spreckels »nd his repreaentatrre here will be fonnd a match for any Portagaese~sucking financier. Let it be remembered though that tho muchly abnsed Oiana Bpreokeia, the sogar king of

[j Hawaii b«s been the benefactoi Iof tbese islan<ls. He may bav< made money —wo hope be has—1 but it is to bim tbat Hawaii to 7 day owes ita present pro?perity We defy the Sla* and tbe Aditr r | ti*er to eome forward and de ooonee the services of tbe mai who brougbt more money to thii ' 1 oonntry tban erer done earlier oi later and wbo has been founc ready at all times to lose it aoe j even to throw |larger sums aftei bis first expenditure. The ingratitude exbibited bi Mr. Jones and Mr. Bolte in pro1 ! posing a new sssociation tbe ob- ? ject of whieh is a dedaration o war sboald be met by all gooc citizens in the only proper spirit Aod tbat is contempt and e streight opposition cf all whe ‘ have sense enongb to realize thai 1 Claua Spreckels and bis sons are ' tbe best friends of Hawaii.