Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 Nowemapa 1894 — Deserved Honors. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Deserved Honors.

Few diplomats in Hawaii have erer znade IhemaeKe» more gener»lly respected and popn!ar tban has tbe diplomatic agent of tbe Mikado Mr. S. Fojii. Tbisgentleman has accomplisbed fais mishion bere. He was sent here by hisgovornment when tbe Hawai ian relations to Japan were of a most difficolt cbaracter.Tbroogb bis tact and diplomatic skill, be bas succeede<l in placing tbe Japanese residing bere on tbe same basis as tbat enjoyed by all foreign citizens. Tbe Japanese in Uawaii today is no longer “an Asiatic” he is the peer of even* man, who breathes the air of tbe Paradi.se of the Pacific. Tbe intended [departnre of Mr. Fujii boen deeply regretted bv ali parties. A petition s : gned by the loading Japanose in Hawaii to the Japanese governmeut ; will go forward praying for bis j rctention bere. Auotber petition signed by lbe i masses of Japanese laborers is now being circulated for the same purposo. While we aro egotistical enougb to wisb for tbo retention of Mr Fujii heie we recognize tbe fact tbat n man like bim sbould be usod in u larger field than otfered iu Hawaii. Tbat Mr. Fujii bas made numerous frionds among ,the foroigners here ean bo seen from tbe fact tb«t numerous farewoll entortainments aro tenderod to him. Mr. Jobn Ena gavca inostolegaut luau in bis bonor a few days ago. Mr. Paul Neumann entertained tbe Coosul Goneral at a dinner yesterday. Tonight a number of mombers of the Pacific Club wiU give a farewell dinncr and tomorrow night tbo leading Japanese will say “au revoir” to tbeir departing ropresentative at a dinner at S«ns Souci, lf Mr. Fujii loavcs us for good, be will do so witb tbe conviction thnt be bas carued tbogood will of everybody, the onmity of none. Mny Hawaii bo pleased by a diplomat cqnally popular nud accommodating as Mr. Fujii aud may our fricud find as jolly a crowd as be bas met iu Honolulu. Do tbey play “Smge’' in Korea?