Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Removal & Cr<>« — have moved to Morgan’s - Auctlon - Rooma tor»*JK)rttin»e. Wc«t»tmMnin« { Departure Bay COAL . CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA «nd KINDLING WOOD , in »n» 43»ctitT. Both Tel«phones 414 Pioneer Shlrt Factory | ESTABUSHED IS»T. A. M. MELLI8. Proprietor, 5IS Fort St., Honoiulo, (Up*t»ir») Good Fit • - CONSOLIDATED SODA WATER C0. : (Li>httkd.) ESPLANADE= i Cor. Allen nnd Fort S»., s s Honolulo U0LL1STEK * 00.. Aeonli. The White House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, .HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Ayii {1oū$8 IN EVERY RESPECT. Eooiik froffl $1*50 to $3.90 per WeeL \ or 50c. per DayJPiLUL LEAIKLE, PROPRIETOR. Bell r fielephone 132. 22 NOTICE TO Viāton,\Picnic Parties. tes GENER.lL PUBLICI w/./ At Smith’s Bu3|and Livery Stable, Kin1Street. [Adjoining MetropoiiuK Meat Market.] ls the Cheapest Plaoo in Wown yon ean get Bnsses, Wagoneties, BuAies and Sadu!e Horees. It trill pay yon w eall nnd see before ron try elsewhere. 3KĒ“ Mutual Telephoue 408 augl-tf Ft9iT Mvm» Ejc., C'6rner Kiog and . Stre«t9. hininAO • By ZTerj Steamer from San Franelaeo, with Fresh Fruif, 0ysfers, Salmon, pbulfry, Etc. Etc., Etc., •ept 6. LEWI8 J. LEYEY, Real Estate and Gen Auctioneer. Conter Port and Quecn StreeU, Ho Personal attention given to 1 of Furniture, Real Esta1 Stock and General . Merchandise. K«taal Tdeohoae 23». NOTICE~ Dnring my »bsence from the country after ihe departure of tho '‘Oopanie’’ for China Chin Dock wiii have full charge of my bnsi»«8 »nd afiaixa generally. Wailukn, Sepi 24,1894 — Ah Chew . A» Houaekeeper or *P«i«Med nune jnat J.8. will leav« the lflian< Inqolre at Holokua