Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
INSUEANCI'^ FIRE AND MABINE the csdersigsed is authobized T0 TAKE FII»E and MAKINE RISKj? 0S Buildinp:s, Merchandise, | Flulls. Careoes, ITroi<2'hts and Commiesions At CurreDt Rates, in the Following Cos. xamely: KOYAL IS8URANCE OOMPANY t LIVERPOOL. ALLIANOE ASSURASCE FIRE & MAEINE. LOSl)OS, WILHELMA OF MADGEBURG*GENERAL 1SSURASCE CO. SUS ISSURASCE COMPASY, SAS FRASCISCO. .1. H. WAI KEH, for the Hawaiian Itilands. Robinson liloek, Hotd St., heiween Fort and Nuuanu, Have Just Receiv<d, jcr I a(e Axrivals, the I fij:esl ttock of FUE S1TURE Ever lmported to this Country, Comprising Hndsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Holiel Oak, andof ihe LATESl DESIGNS. ESPECIAL A1TENT10S IS CALLED T0 THES£ SETS: ■W X e K.E WARE, Beautiful Designs of Wicker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHA1RS, ROCKERS, etc.,you ean get these in any FISISH you desire. CHAIRS, Countless numbers of CHAIRS, in every style, including 0FF1CE and HIGH CHAIRS. TABLES, We have had a number of calls for these Tables, with CHAIRS to match. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING R00M FURNITURE EVER SEEN HEEE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers irmvA]xrs.^ Divans covered with P0RT1ERS are becoming quite the rage in plaoe of LOUNGES—we mauufacture thera to order, and have a laige stock of PORTIERS to select from. BEDDiira. Great Assortment of WOVEN WIRE MATTRESSES —Spring, Hair, Moss, AVool and Straw Mattresses ou hand and made to order. L1VE GEESK FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS for Pillows. CKIBS, CRADLES, etc. W1ND0W SHADES of all colors aud sizes. CORNTCE POLES u in wootl or brass trimmings. biEiira. Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Furuiture repaired at reasonable rates. CABINET MAKING, in all its brjinches, by Competent Workmen. M ATTING LAID and Interior Decorating under the Supervision of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goods are First CIass, and our prices are the lowest Come and be convinced —a trial is solicited. Bell 52o. telephones: Mutuai 645. ORDWAY & PORTER, Robinson filock, between Fort and Nuuann
Telf.phoses: Bell 351 Muiual 417 Residexce: Mutuai 410 P. O. Box 117 F. B. THOMAS, C0NTRACT0R and BUiLDER Estimates Given on AJ1 Kinds BK1CK, IR0N, ST0NE & WOOOEN BU1LDINGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Tradc < Attended to. KEEP8 BX)R 8ALE: Brick, Lime. Cement, Iroc Stone Pipe «nd Fittings, 01d & Xew €orrngaied Lron, MintoDjTilee, Qoariy Tiles. assorted aiaee and colors; Oalilomia and Monterey Sand, Qraaite Curbing and Bloeka, ete*. eto. 1Corner Kisut S Smsth Sta. Office Hours, «to la M., *t®4P M.