Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ohf iftolomua €alfndar. XOV. 9, 1894. 4 II 1« «5 36 27 25- » » vc«*KLft ,m po«t. KATAL VB9|U. P p M P lfT*rtiJth, M*t. E«qaitnaalt, B C. »»>r>-hip Daga»T-TroBia, C«U*o. y >3ii-HAvni*jr, p < >. Ai‘tr»li*. n<mdlettp, 8 F. pk A;?r»m, XevoMUe, N 8 W. j{ s » k M*ant Ala. .Kewcasūe. i,- kt KlikiU* PtTownjiend. n , -h a; tfi C<«jk... Pt TowD«en<l . i,- R ■-n Lewcr», «iooelmea. Uv*in I*. k < » For»t, Melnnea*. NewenUe, . ■ e > N C<usllc, Hati*tard. 8. F. ir • A - r t. «»rifKt5i». I<. F. -•r.. r N’»rwbmn, King, Kobe. » x . r hlitgmrd, Furek».
POKI IO* l EMEW EXP»TED. i . r I > oritan....Xfwca“tl<>., ,Xov 30 \ .. ; (llanivor Xewoa*tIe...Not 30 - > k 1 »ol I-*»nbe?g. .Bretnen..,. ,Dec 10 II K<i’a«Ie I-iTerpool....Jan 30 naiL arKVicE. Steam»hip« will Ieave for and arr've l P .;n San Franciaco and other (oreign .. r . on or abont the following date», Ull tbe clo»e of 1894. IIo\oLCLr Dnc at IIosoLm.r 1 n.K I'kaxctsco. Fm. 8a.v Fba>cbto oa Va> ocvf.k. o* Vancocvek. M >wcr* Nov 3 Autitralia Xov. 3 Ati'traUa Xov. lOKliina. Xov 12 >I»r Xot. 1.1 Aiameda Xot. 22 (X-eamc Xov 19 Miowcra Xov 24 Ara»a Dec. 1 .\ustralia..., .Dec. 1 Anoinilia..., Dec. 8iOccanic Dec 11 M„n wai ....Dec. 13 Mariposa Dec. 20 M w, ra.... Dec. 31 Arawa Dec. 24 t'hhi» Dec 31 Auatralia Dec. 29 The Paulhoon 8aloon is the dej>ot for the ce!ebrnted Enter-l>r:-oBter, where it ean always be foumi eool and fresh on tap. We do not deal in ‘ Frederick8burg Bt*er” as the morning Paper—tlir>nigh sotne mist«ko has adverti»ed. Call at the Pantheon for rp-freshing drink. •IIM DODD, Proprietor. * Tulk about braying asses. The town is full of them. McBrayer’s »hiskey is only to bo fouud at the Empiro Saloon. And when iVs found it stays. * En. Koqna of theEmpire Saloou bts made a new deal whieh will uieeh Ihe hoarts, or at least the palates of many a thirsty wander*r. He keops •‘half-and-half ’ on vlraught and sones a most delicious and eool beverage, far »aperior lo “plain" boer. se 17 tf J. J. Williams the well-known Aitistic Photographer is making aspocialty of portraits on Watcb Dia!s ;md 8ilk Handkerchiefs. Complote sets of Lantorn slides lectnros eau be had at the galler}\ For thoy are sold at a reasonable %ure by the dozen or by the houdreil. * Ilaniwai BatiiHause • Thc undersigoed having LeasEi> the well knewn Ilaniwai Bath Boisk at Waikiki, begs to irforni Tou. that it will be run as a Strictly First-Class BATHINGRES0RT. Special accommcdation8 for »nd Children. W. S. BAUTLETT. Proprietor. F s. Tram-cars pass the plaee ocS kamehameha girls SCHOOL. , i ; >’ rs; ierm of Kameh*n»«h* Ojri» • »iU op?n \V«doesdaor, Ap|ilK»uon» for *dmi»sioa uv*t be »dunws- * M.« Pow «ither »*• k*Ui«h*m*h* or Mim Pope, wjfl ho U» H*w*E;n,Wr -Ari«n Eoom, Qne«» Kmn»* h* -. N*turvlay monungs from 9-12 wb«« *)* 'viU bc p!e«ed to m#*t - ppiic*»t*. The Hujoc u rJtr ,ioU*n » 7**•PVhoAa te n c eiT«d uader 12 jv*r» «f »g*> OeL li-lm. Lnp!oijment EuPeau. i S lNF\UiltATIOX AXD h*s b»v» op»«d a* -!* W ? A*U. oe, Kiag Streft, n«xl to ihe CM* P*m«. d«ōhring the *#rria** oooka, planuuoa W»w». *«‘h*iacs uud doiM«£ aerT»ato «•» ** *t th- BorMM. Mata«l T*iophoae oor $