Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

M*KUFAGTURmG C0. . ____________ M 1 # Tlie Repairing of BPiLKES, nElivEry Wagans, and CarnagES, is attendad to by Skiliad Machanics w::..a pricasfar tha sajna hava baen REDL'CEI j tba San Francisco basis. N"» 70 Quoen Street*

AV r e are Ofierinjr iliis '\Vt‘ok, W ool 3Di*ess Goods, In plaids aud sti*ippe<l, A.t 35cts per yard. And a line of plain CASHEMERK’S in all Sha«K's, u 50Cta per yar'l. M. S. LEVY. Ofi23-tf

Benson, Smith & Co,, The Corner DRUG STORE JPure Dru£^, ne 1? er f u rnes, Prompt Atteution, Low Drices Corner Foit’A: HoteI Sts.’ tu i

Empire Saloon, MMDi OUM, P»>rviioft; \ Wir t es, Liqno?s, Beei' alwas on hand, Nauaa aad Ho«al.StMto 9*1- Pm* O Mem Bos 107 IUn BEBD1E8. ikat u wUJ ean »*• itiiernf UMt ihm frte** wit*i» lAo rmgh <rf ail- »ota m IH W »J Koek. «aM* Hu<ux;

! | LI. HAIUIHA | CoaaMva«r of Printe Wm ««■( I Dtttnctuf Huaoiol i! JtOTAKT PUlUe AOB>T.to GRAVT HaKEIaOE UCE>'E> Omen, TO Kweiiui Sq*m. oct 15 THOS. LINI3S.VY 2<j»4 Mercbaul Stre«t Uooolala New Store, nen Jewelry G>,ld, Silrer and Uiamowh. Jewe!ry Manufacture to ortier. Watcbes cleaued and repaired, J3TC*II ia and in3pect.^gf