Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HMii holomu^ r* : CBLI8HED Kverv A.t*ternoon rsczn scsdat bt thb Holoaua Pu.bli5h.mg Co. At King St (Tbomas block), Honolnlu, H. I. S j3SCSIPTI01I, per )Canth, 50 Cts. Ihe r 4 P er “* rtelire r ed by C arriers iu lbe t rc *na «ubnrbs. Single CoptM for Sale »t tne New» Dealer» and at iLe Offioe of pailiealkm. EOMUNO N0RRIE, • • Editor P, M. ROONEY, • - Manager NOTICE. Ail ]?asiuefw Commuoicationa »homld be x:.ireiM»ed to 1*. M- HOONLY, Hono* lulu, H. I. < 'onMponeienoe and Commnnicafton« tor iint,ltcation sbould be sddn««ed to tbe £ditor liuwaii Holomna. No noiioe will be paid lo anv anonjnuous eommuniealiona. Husiness Cards VOLNEY V. ASHFORD, 1 Attomey and Counselor at Law, Olhee, Site of the t 01d I5ethel — \Vest Corner of King and Betbel Streets. jy2l A. P. PETERSON, ATTOUNEY AT LAW. Offioe; 113 Kaahumanu S*.r«et, Honoinlu Hawaiian Islands. CHABL£S CREIGHTON,l attounev at LAW. Offiee: 113 Kaahnmanu 8tr*et, Honolain Hawaiian Islanda. PAUL NEUMANN, attobney at law. 314 Mercbant Street. Honolalu, Mutual Telopbone 415. CLARENCE M T . ASHFORD, ATT0BN’ET AND OOUN8ELLOH AT LAW. t)flic«. 01d Cupitol Building, (Honolaln H.Ue), adjoiniug Poet Offloc, Uonolalu.l A. ROSA. attornet at law, No. 15 Kaahumann St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. H. F. BERTELMANN, OONTRACTOB AND BUILDER,J 86 King St,. Bell Telepbone 107. F. H. REDWARD. OONTRACTOR aso BUUDEB, No. 506 King Street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. Wm. FOSTER, atornkt-at-law . 42 Mercbaut Strcet. Oct llth. A, G COHRKA, tJTATTOENKY AT LAW.^H 307 Mercb»nt Street, Honolulu. Jy20 Femandes & Gomes
WlioLE&ALE Catifornla Wlnea and Sptrits, No. 502 Fort 8U, &onolalu, H. I. •P O. Dox 436, Mulual Tele. 140.
CJUp$B CflRRI7I6Ej COMPAS Y, SS5 Both Tei kfHcxes 335 Uaek SUnd, Corner E|“E Maunakea Sire«U. Haek* »t AH Houre. )7£ ' SAM yee hop. No. 552 King Stre#t, lXulet m C«lifornia and Fralte aud VegeUblee. Go»r» Jel!y, Toa and Gronnd Col&e. C ; .g«m etc jy»°