Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — A Full Deck. [ARTICLE]

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A Full Deck.

lEl»ITOI5 HoLOMLA The ondsrwriter not beini» - about to Ieave the country (owiug ■ totho nn»nimons desire ofhis cred itors), desires to tbauk the numerous and xind friends, who have - helped him to use a pair o’dice - or two in this sometimes pacific locality. Having, like my friend who expressed his thanks last | mght in your most higbly (in missionary circles) esteemed rag, embraced (and for that matter braced all and everybody ofeven more diversified uationalities than him residing inthiscountry especi ally of the female persuasion— in , a grand, sweeping and international wish for future posterity, I desire express my special grati. tude to various of ray friends who drive “one horse shays.” I trast I may sonie day reciprocato to them in kind, or eoin as they would mueh more prefer. Called Back.