Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 Nowemapa 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Doo't driok w*ter! 8ooci for erer ! The Cbina ig due next Mood* r . Tbe band will p Uy *t the Hotel too)gbt. William M. Gr»ham is the Utcst ootary puhlie. tonsul-Genera! Fnjii will Ieave next Monday in the€hina. Mīhs Da!gleish as Mrs. Miller loo!ss handromer than ever.
Don t forget to patronize litt!e Nannary*a benefit next Monday
— — Honolulu has now got a shedoctor. May sbe b« saccessfoi. The Malulani, Iwalani and James Makee arrived this morning. The quintette club will plav at the h ujii dinner to be given bv Japanese at Sans Souci tomorrow night | , M . O. Smith, who knows all about it advisespeoplenottodrink water. Brandy is good enough j for him. Mr Douglass Monsarrat returnj ed this morning from a flying trip | to Waikapu. i M Mr. Puul Neumann gave a d : /- ner for CousuI-General Fujii 'M&terday eveniug. / Mystifying, Dazzlingand wcrgous are the words that deJjribe '*Cinderella.” W Jim Williams the popuI*photographer is around ag pn and looking better. The golden eoaeh for $Ciuderella” is on exhibition 4nfront of the Opera House. j The McCandless a* now boring at Eamoiliili (m lands belonging to Eaiulani/ The celebrated «ase of W. M. Cunuingham will be heard by a jury on tho 14th inst, There was a*nost interesting mnsicale at tbel'esidence of J.M. Dowsett last nilht. Mr. Rudolp| Spreckels is yet in town. Important business prevented hip from going to Maui last Tu«day. Ja P auese «onsul-Qeueral Fnjii will be dir€d complimentary at the Pacifio CIub tonight. Tbe masterpiece of all the productions comes in Cinderella. It will be thei grandest spectacle ever witness|d here. Dou’t miss it. Mrs. Thims holds forth tonigbt at tho Fost fc Hall. Her Xheosophieal friei£s will hear all about the *Pdgrmage of the Soul" this evening. It is nnderstood that Poet H. W. Schmidt will hit Dole in the neek next time. And then he will be appointed governor of Necker Islaud. In the futuro tbe post oflBce will close on Saturdays at 1 o’elook. In case of a foregn mail arriving. the oflBce will be opeued between 4 and 5 o eloek. Tbe jury found Capt. Klemme and lieutenant Coardes gnilty yesterday, on « charge of assanlt and batterv. Both officers were fined, aod had to dig $50 and oosts e*ch. The J*panese mercbanta of Honolulu h*ve selected S*n Sonci as Ihe «nost proper plaee in whieh to honor tbeir Mr. Fnju has alw«ys been « steady p*tron of the f*mous resort.