Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
c 9*. »»pyr((^r. ! IT? J\ Tū$ op. ; Sometimes where to go to pnr- . chase any particu!ar article, but not if you happen to want anything in the Une of • Artlsts* Nuppliea,
Plclure Frames or en!arged portraits, ther* is but one plaee in Honolalu, to purchase all materia!s, and thafs KING BROS.’ Store, for whieh tbere is no rival on these Islands. THE F!NEST PA/NT!NGS /N HAWAI/. ARE ON EXHIBfT!ON /n th/s gallery.
. The firm makes specialty of en;ing portraits as well as makpicture frames in the very styles of monIdings. sheet pictures, they have tbou&nds to se!ect from of whieh they uivite an inspection at any time. BROS., Hotel : Honolulu. nov 7 tf
LAOIEi’ COLUMN. are all sold. Eomember th:s means that Tou by THn at just whAt they cost us, nowūe cent more or one cent less. \\» ain’t raaking »nv money on theare kiud of sales, but it g»vco for the iranaense stock of new goods that have arrived by tho ‘ k Australia.” We want to move (Vf our Hosiery at our Quick Sales au| Small Pro—fit Prises, so the LAD»:S’ BLACK STOCKINGS will gJ”again this week at last week’s p«es, or the $3 per dozen o1ks a®$2.25 per dozen, while the $m)er dozen ones will go at 14 per lbzen. The The demBd for white cotton Dress Goodsfcuring the last week has 5nduced »3 to eoniinue the saleof those o\ hand nntil they
same with MEN'S 'S0< per dozen ones are no\ dozen. We also want eial Attention to the u. White Cotton Embroidei the $3 25 per eall Spegnificent idHaadkerchiefs offered this weei. They are not eheap ones, its the*priceof them that is eheap. The interest also incieases in our Volcano trip and it is quite evident from late reports that Madame Pele is making gr|atpreparations to do her part lor she throwing up fofntains offirefifty feethigh dnr:hg the Iast week and every in«cation goes to ahow that by the tilbeyoa are ready to go she" wili bJSin her gl°ry. T Remember and if you do not have enough you ean give them to friends who are makmg up clubs. This week ia a great week for buyers. B. F. EHLERS & C0.
290 Ring Up United 2 Carriage Company, M. REIS luJ.C. QUINN
Anchor-:-Saloon k'Aoanuui.. Another Invoice of the World Renowned
freoericksburg n UGER BEER Sum Frēsh OAuPonm OYSTERS, ' Fa *