Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BEACH GR(VE New Sea Side, Picniand Bathing Resort Has been OPEXED is now reftdy to reoeive visitc The reeort U ander the man»geiit o( Charles F. Warren. The plaee is 'hin a oonrenient distance £rom tovrn, a tiro minntes walk, from the Tnm Can ahop’a switch) The premises whieh will ht the of patrons eomprisee betan foar and dre ftcres of beantifal gmssgrounds, over ahadoved by tropi«Q tre AIso a eompiete oa(fit o( bath rocmsi bathing anila. There is a great deal o( mnee conaected wiih theae gronuds. It said to be ths exact spot on thc Beach rre Kamehameha the oonqnerer landed h hia thoasands of wanion bent apon th>nqnest o( Oahn. The» is a sacred pond m .the iand snpphed from a le«endary asg. For hnndred of yeai8 the nativhave nsed v»ter (>ir medicinai purys more eepeeiaily fts they d*im as *n etlve remriy for rhe-.'.matism and panh Beacb Grove or Kavehe«ebe waa m tk>a of tbe set side resdenee o( tb*t U ehw «md war hor, Kamehameha I. ’se new bathing fttd recreation groandsll be eidnsireiv for tba nee of (amiHea. Uea aad ehildren wiU enjov a days onāni Beaoh Grove. Tbe water ia just deep igh Jto be eomfortabie wuh a niee saroeach. Thi» new reaort anppliea a long (eant and e snre of bberal patronage. Cges wiU he extremely modente so aa ome withir. tfae teach ot all. Ail threnge groands tbere a» arbon and shadeew«n 2arnisbed with tabtes anJ ee*ts the aoooau&odatkm of Ukmc who bhngtg ih*irown eat 1 1 1 SandwidMS. eakea, ade on iee my ba had n Honolnin, Kor. 5, ll FOB S 8,000 SISAL PLAKTS I*tanda ham beei la quftnUUn to »oit by wr* Omei Tno*e diutrie* shonla oot k» oetU aaa iea. :z-2wks-dhr. the ean be aai tbe B ia m*% inrtontt».