Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — REPUBLIC OF HAWAII. [ARTICLE]

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!XiJi<at«rd lo Mr*. S. B. r)‘.l<‘. Kepul.ilo of iiawaii, Thy l>r»isr I »ine. Thoa «nheaee «II rates In barmony's rinsr. l'nite<l we »tand. diviJ<*(l we fall. Aloha and peaoe may rtiorer »11. ilawaii Aloha. Aloha Hawail. Kepuhlie of llawaii, My b<>mc dear home. Frotn Waikiki'* beacb T>< Maunaloa'» doiue, Thi» fieautitul land of l»Te and cftruth I» paradise bere for aj;e aud for youth. Hawaii Aloha. Alohu Ilawaii. Kepuhlie of Hawaii. Tbou l*nd of dream-. With mounlaiu» »o high And ralley* with »tream», Where Maile rouud Koa lovingly twine» And luoon evcr pnre aud »ilvery -liiue» < Hawaii Alolla. Aloha Hawuil. Kepuhlle of Hawail, Takc hand and heart. From thee tny country 1 uever will part ! Sh»uld elonda ever ri»c, be all true and brave Till Hawaiian palm» wave over our grave. Hawaii Aloha, Aloha Hawaii! 11. tV. Schmidt. Maluhia, ,Juiy, lv.it.