Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

MAGFARLANE A CO. Ikalm in Winu and Spirito j K»*hcmaE3 StraH, Hoooi«hi. H. E. McINTYRE A BRO., i Obocebt, Febd Stobe * Bakebt, Corner of King and Fort Sts., Honolulu ( J. PHILL1P8, l B PRACT1CAL PLCMBEH, OAS F1TTEB I IX)PPEB-SMITH, House and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. 4 No. 71 King Street, Honolula. I)k. MeLENNAN, Fort Street, above Hotel. Mulual Telephone 682, for offlce; 287 for residence. KK>. C- ROWE. Hau*e Stgn and Oinamei Painter. Manufacture of Liqu5d 620 King Street. ]ffaugl Y. LUM 81X0, Dealer in Fruits and Fresh Frmte by Everv , Steamer, Eresh Islaj from Hawaii. 13o Fj Coffee Roasted. P [ Fresh Island Prodi Delivered to Any I City, cerios. |lifomia Butter Street. Box 169 Goods rt of the jy21 i. “ FAT FJOY.” BAY 8AL00N I P. MoINEKW, Profriktor, Fine UquorsJwines and Beer. Cornkr Grnu akd Hotrl tir«. Honolulu (Jrriage Manufactory W. Wf WKIGHT, Propkietob, G. \\est). f ARRIAG| BLTLDING xsn l’.EPAIRISG. U AH OnlA frotn thc Other Islands In the C*rrlaire HpUUne, Trimraiair «uU PainUnp Llne wlll «oet «ith Prompt Attentlon. Bl»cksm|Linc in AU Its V»Hous Branchcs Doi.c 1’ |> Bo\ »1. Nos. »nd 130 Fort Stret I Iv S. LUCE Wi ME ne and Sr>irit Mercliant e* mpUU Fire-proof liloek , HANTST. HONOLULU. 71 |bOTH TELKPHONES:71 —C0SS0L1DATED—SODA WATER W0RKS -:- CN». (LnirrrKD.) *

Toi Wo Wlng Kee Co. 36 NUI ANU STREET tale« in Ladies' <fc Gents’ Rx>ts »nd Shoes made to order. Box »7 *** Fred. Hamson. C0NTRICT0B RND BUILDER The Leading Builder IX HONOLl’LU.

hslumtes glrpn on »U kiods» of Brick, Iron, 8tooe »od L\Vood«n Building». blng of »11 kinds* ding M»trri»I Sot S*le. 510 * »od 513 K>ng Str«et. K«*5d«noe īelophone, BeU 22«. • p0 *“ iL