Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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- — I —hiri-:s— ROC)T BEER HIRES hwes' iMPiwnm ROOT BEERf I « uowo %c t*ai> kuo6 T*B*KKAC(MAlUSt4«CAUa«$ j £*iuj)kr / ftoo*r XCRVOCS. \RS ror • Ou't *>ep. o*o1 tat. (inO. * tt * t t<MK TO* *Ml. HIKEi RiX>TBK£R pnnā» the bkx*J. tioUe» tke paUtr WHAT8 THE DHTKREXCE« Tou a.-mk HIRESROOTBEER r»* bom irrri::>u uj *not for p!ci$3!V »iy> |*ft | Dt»nE £» Ut« T-*T -T. ;onie TOU t*ke lt a* a AU On(«tM «r Onx-«r fD7 & U>nic »oJ rrt pt«asare. . 1 C. E. HIRE8. Philaoelpmia Xuuf»r» « e«U. Im» itm»~ It «Ucht Nf k> •rrMk(vU By eegte i«tf, lo> IURE3ROuTBEKR C««U voUUecT b« chta(t«L Thia* «hu > mew» lt ■o«14 be For p4icrtmv J>t t»l mt(ht. To ilikl ukl 4rink apoa Ihe briai lU oe> t*rvs«* UeUfāt. N oon, N'ijjht .... G«Od «II Um Um. ll rraj v )te* fb< Un-.; rof m m;v;, tli* etie iiill* the »rvineM of ou;bt —IIIHES RtK1TBEEK -Jeii.. 4*. •.•.>.:•• >■ a luxanr. goo«i »s a tf>ato. lt is bevond »1! di«pute » »ot»Jerlui beaili> i(<v>t»c drīak. aod h .« wt ra-» ( t ar» , n.to nnd<rstaad wt»jr thU U»o īhe nx>t. berb*. b»rk.« aod h» rne*, (rv.m *feirh HlKF.> KO»>T BE£K U «kiii.'uiK m.ulo, arr thv uUmieal thltur» fr»»m whi. h pbv*. :*n« <■ :tl m«t bv fal rrmedle». Eor tn«t»nce. Do to« heiiom tbat MfM|mriU» U • »»:u»; e remv!» • \\ HIRES RlH'TBEER cont»in« morr 'jr*»; >nl!» Ihan m»p» r»r»a, > 1.»» 1’u - u.t. . >• to other inpre»licoU. • It U dv»ine more U> ad»mce pmrtic»! temperaace than m»nr people n*liiv It U u«- J and recommended by U>e mo»t •aoiion» anj eoo». rr*Ure iewpenuK»- peopie Th m ■ t •empnlou» abetainer ean e*yoy HIKKS ROOTBKEK h»m*ell. ar. i pee. mo - ul ; ; • v. an attree*l.Ie and heallhfUI *nb»Utule for thc »tro:ia driak whkh he opi- -*e> It U a homemaUe and bercn*se ll U »rrr ca«i)r ;Tr;an t »;: i ; l.r pUin dirvetioo» *re (oHownl, it wlil a!w»r» be «o.»d Ercrv ot«mber <>/ tu f»m • m l.i. baby to the irrandfather, ean enjor HIKKS K»MĪTBKER. an.l everr one ..r th-m » : !>»., bettcr heallh for «aeh «wallow tber Uke. U im;<rorea the »ppetite. p in6. « th« t; «1 » l tone» Ihe whok »r»tera. Cbildren e»jeeUIIr dellaht !n HIRKS KvK.*TBEKR It« ;.»■ «i . Uon inlenwU Ihem. »nd iU a««> does them <ood. fn Ihouun Uoi home« HlKi> K-h r BEER th»t mother madr.'’ wiil be amona ihe l.appie-.t nreoUectk.il» ..f chlidho- ! BEWARE ! Do oot confound tt with other Rootheer prcrwr»tu'a*. »- UU ei m-I» «• Uke anrthins elae of the klnd. Beware of eitn»ct» adrerti«ed for maktt>< K • •>.. ».'th-» are compo«ed chiefly of colorio|; m»tter »nd olU to gire thc.n Har r. whieh eio;e ;b :• and eanae n»u*ea Hirw ImproTrtl Rootbeer paekaae» makea r*-alir the >no»t harmi- of •• ir faa!:.. . • drink». rct nouiiihim; »nd »trrncthenins the MooO. It cle»:>«e» Ihe «. m I ■ . hnmon thal dereioi> in kidney and urin»ry dUca««s. »od in fiact. in anr > a*< th*t » ,.c» i >n j an impnne »tate of tbe blood. Hlre» Improred Rootbe«r U offen »t to Ihe pnhlie wilh fnll« 'nHUen.e (’« m •«• ! U rontain» no poUKmou» or injurioiu prv>|H;rtiv-» wha(crer, au l»a ta»T •,««( , _ fect safcty. JOBBEliS: HOBKON 1)RUGC0.,'I HOLLISTER “ “ • dc««>»uN, SMH’U vV CO. •• “ ) LEWIS vt CO ilooolnln. Oct. 36. tf. -diy. Whole.'iie L)rogiji»t. Whoiew.’o GiOcer». HOLLISTER & CO. * Importers, WholoAale »ad KeUil Deulert in 2TirLe Cigra«xs, Sm.oirirxgr Toloacco, AXU Sro.o3rexs -A-xtioles-Agents for the Celebrated G. B. G. PIPE8. M \DC IX I , ARIA »Uj7 PURIF1ED WATEB. ISTo Microb©s. IA U9CD BT T11C 0OH«>UDATCD SODA WATER WORKS COM PAN’Y—laimiieii. *Tla.©3r Fuxnisli tla© DPo'a:22Lta«ixas Xiixoxic»‘lioTZt) tlxe. Oit3T, ptxccrnxu oxk IP'CLX© as Cx3rstal. tr TB7 ZT. -£J