Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
dtfc«it Coart n?rt Ci?cttit oi the {iawaii8q I|l3ad? SI IN PR0BATE. i| S 1* Ue e< ik c4 iUni! U i. | Jtc»}«jr» iaie of 0»i» 4attMe<i. ; i&!e»tate. •* Os Ex.4Dts« *»i rBiac tb« Petit<x; of » .UnMwn Kcti«*» S»a F»pok». Ul j *Ikct«C (Ju Hmi <*• Mo«;«urw of Hoaoiaie ' ' dir%i u3ir--»:<r »; HoooUia. w:ixH j»x «4 1 «J<{otwr. A. D U»C *o«l Uau U'.:m > of »ni nHlf«lnc t»iMtn 0 Ci*Tt* r * It 1» mniio th»t Fnday tV 3 dar ot 1 Xo»taiber. JL D- 1*% «t li»«'c4ock u. Ne »a-l ūrr»t>v b »;t>jīc:<d for b<onat P«ition. n :be Coart R -‘m oi Ux Co4n. 11 ■ Hoaoiaia. *t vfocb Uai< acd pfo.-« prr i »OB* (vo trMd S»»T *pp<ar »sd tbo« eao-e, r' il »«t tbry bsn. »ay s»i>l Petttoc ikoaM x>: J tx enoloL Da*< Hoa-.-iaia. H. I «)ct A. DJ»J) Bt Uk Coart. Gsoaws Lccas. C<rk. oct23-:i I- - 1 TUYI EHED1E8. On iLLI Ct RE • V>o«7jTcpt!on. Rh<an»»tiT3, C*S*iTh. Croop, ml'. »kta dtM«e». Fem*ic ComI pl*jnt». *tj'l FLe» Lq the »cm fona. Hojx« *n cn:<rt*a»«l th*t !t wlll en r< Leim»». Th<y ire T<c<l*bl< Renr4lei ud eu he u*»>l t y Ui« Qo*t delie*te *a<l the Toaas<9* ehlM. Prtcee wUMa Uw ne»<h of *n. So«! st 1 99 Klnx •lr«t, W»f B:ock, uuiiei H«rmonT Hi... Houolalu. Empire Saloon, JAMES OLD3, PKorBi*toR: pine Wiiies, Llquors. Beer ALWAS ON* ilAXD, Corner Nunaun and Hot«},StrceU BeU lelephun* 241. Po*t Offioe BoX 107 E. H. HAKUIHA Gjmmissioner of PriT.\t« W*ys *nd W*ter KighUt, District of Honolula. NOTART PUBLIC AGENT to GRANT MAKKIAOE LIOENSES. Oitice, .W Uerchant Street. oct 15 LoViJoY &co, W|joIesale Wiqe \ liquoi' Eeale^ 19 Nuuanu Street We woulil eail your attentiou to Our Special Bramls Longlife Rure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in caske or bottles CITY CARRIAGE C0. Corner KING and BETI!EL SL CAREIAGES, AT ALL HOURS. 3oth TeJephooes No. 113. J. S. ANDRADE, Manager june 15*tf. Dong Branch Establishment. — Thts First-CUas Balbtng Rr3ort has been enlarged and ia oow open to the puhlie, It is the best piaee 00 tbe te!ands to eojoj a Bath. and there ia no betler olaoe to U j off. Special accnmoaodations for La - di«a. Tramcars pa«s tbe door erery half bour, and on 8atoidajs and Sundajs erery fiReen minuiea. C. J. SHERWOOD. Ij24 Proprielor. FOS SAI*E un sisal plaxts •9 « Ufo B m IUMMf ta »- »tr* 0CtUtL