Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BEACH GROVE. 5 t New Sea Side, Pienie and Bathing ResortHAS BF.EN OP£X£D TP, ANDISNOW reai]y to receire viators. The new re>ort is ander the managemcnt of Charies F. Warren. The plaee is within a conrcnient distance from town, and two minntes walk, from the Tnun Cars (Bishop’s switch) The premises whieh will be at the disposai of patrons comprises betweeu focr and fire acres of beactifnl grassy grounds, ove»shadowe<l by tropical trees. AJ.so a eomplete ontfit of l>ath rootrs and bathing snits. There is a great deal of romance conuected with these grouuds. It is said to be tha exact spot on thc Beaoh where Kamehameha the conquero.- landed with his thousands of warriors bent upon the conquest of Oahn. I There is a sacred pond upon the land sup-) plied from a legendary spring. For hundred of years the natives have used this water for medieinal purposes niore especially as they elaim as an effective remedy for rheumatism aud jiaralysis. Beach Grove or Kawehewehe was a portion of the sea side residenoe W that great chief and warrior, Kamehameha I. These new bathing and recreation grounds will be esclusively for the use of families. Ladies and chiltb:en will enjov a days onting at Beach Grove. The water is jnst deep enough |to be eomfortable with a niee saudy heaeh. This new resort snpplies a long felt want and is sure of liberal patronage. Charges will be extremely moderate so as to eome within the reach of all. AU through the groumls there nre arbors and shaded bowers furnished with tables and seats for the accommodation of those who bring «Iong theirown eatables. Sandwiches, cakes, soda water and lemonade on iee may be had at the premises. Honolnlu, Xov. 5, !StH. *2wks-dly. - ■ 1 XOTI€E. Doring my al»sence from the Islands, llR. r orace G. Crabbe is duly anthorized to eceive and receipt for all monies due and owing to me J. W. LUX1XG, at my office until NovomUcr aaio, io<m, <vRīch date .will porsonally attend. J. W. LUNIN'G. oct 17th Im TiJtS SPAGE Heserved for i ITOHAN. \ 1 i 1 < \ I < I i 1 I \ ] 4 K \ I i 4 ; i 1 i i I i 1 i 1 1 i 1 i • 1 1 I ' I(EAL E^ĪE Hduse HenUna and CollBEtion Agenoy loans ncgot!ated on Rsal Estate and Fsrsonal Fropsrty. Now is the time to li«t your propcrty, as the demand for bomes i» increasing everyday. Strangers are eoinim: to “ The Piiradisē ” In great uumbers. We have somc most desirable property for saie. If you own a lot. and desire to baild a homē, we wUl turuisb thc money ou favorable terros. Tba Hawaiian InvBStmsnt Co., General Rcal E»tatc Agcnt», 13 and 15 Kaahumanu >trect. C. A. LONG, NoUry Public Teiephone 6S9 nov3 morgagee.snotkteof intention T0 FORECLOSE AND 0F SALE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a power of sa’e eonuiae l in a certain mortgage dated September lst, A. D. 1892, made by GEORGE NAKLAUA and MAKAEA G£ORG£ his wife, o’ Honolulu, Island of Oahu, to Malie Kahai, lateof said Honolnlu deceaaed, recorded in the office of tbe Kegistrar of Conveyances, jn Liber 138, folios221-2-3. J. A. C-mminj, Administrator with WUl annexed of the Will of the said Malie Kahai, deonmed, iniends to foreciose said mortg*ge for a breaeh of thc oonditāons in said niortgage oontained to wit; the nonpajment of both the pnneipal and mterest wheu due. Nooee is alao hereby g>ven that all and «ngnlar tbe iamis. UnamenU and bereditaMnU in *aid mortgage ooataĪB*d and described. will be aoid it Pahiie Auetion, at tbe Aneiion room of Lewū J. Levey, on Qtteen Smet, in said Honoln’u Jon WEDNESDAY. thc 14 DAT ofNOV£MB£R A. D. 1894, at 12 o'<dock aoen oI said day. The propert_v in aaid moftgage ts thās described, via ; That certata pieee of lasd sitaate in Panoa. Hooolnlu. aforsaaid, and ako that ceruia peee of kad sitna*e at AnwmoEmn, Hoaolala aforwaid. de*cribed ia Kova! Patent 1788. Laad Commi»a«on Award 3154 to Uakakmln,eaaTeyed to Umanma opeo by Umanma hk Uther, by deed ieooided ia Lifamr 38 -p. 298-7, andby aaid Uaauu opāo to6eorge Nakiana by tked recorded io Liber 138 p. 307-8. Term eaah in C. S, Goid Coia. Deede at «ipew ot porctaeeer. Por f«tber nertsealaia, appiy lo Ja&. K. Kaalia acd Enoeh Johnaoa. Attorneys for the Admiruetmtof wuh ihe Will auaaexed of the WiU of Malie Eahai, deeeeaed, MortJ. A. CUMMIXa Admin»tntor w»th the Will aansxad o 4 tbe WiU of Malie Kahai. deeeesed. MortJ>tiaCHooolsl«, Oel -3*, MW. J«Mf-